Coronavirus news from Trump’s USA

This 20 April 2020 video from the USA says about itself:

Finding Hope During The COVID-19 Pandemic

Dr. Gerald Horne says workers organizing and fighting for basic rights offer hope during the coronavirus pandemic, increasingly catastrophic government response, dire economic outlook, and two unappealing options at the ballot box in November.

FAUCI: ECONOMY CAN’T RECOVER BEFORE PEOPLE DO White House coronavirus adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci warned that protests against coronavirus safety measures could “backfire.” “Clearly this is hurting from the standpoint of economics … but unless we get the virus under control, the real recovery economically is not going to happen,” he told “Good Morning America.” “If you jump the gun and go into a situation where you have a big spike, you’re going to set yourself back.” [HuffPost]

TRUMP DISMISSES TESTING CONCERNS AS STATES PREPARE TO REOPEN Trump again insisted that the country was in “very good shape” with coronavirus testing, even as some governors say their states don’t have adequate supplies. Meanwhile, other governors have already announced the reopening of certain businesses as early as this week. When a “PBS NewsHour” reporter asked the president Monday about the “outcry” about a lack of access to testing, Trump shot back that “it’s not bipartisan, it’s mostly partisan. More important, it’s incorrect.” [HuffPost]

EX-RNC CHAIR FACT-CHECKS TRUMP ON COVID-19 PROTESTS Trump continues to defend people protesting stay-at-home orders to stop the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. But former Republican National Committee Chair Michael Steele says those demonstrators aren’t just putting their own lives at risk, they’re also endangering the lives of vulnerable people around them. Trump claimed the demonstrators ― who are being goaded by right-wing media ― “love our country” and “want to get back to work.” [HuffPost]

WHITE EVANGELICALS ‘MOST LIKELY’ TO SUPPORT RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS About one-third of white evangelical Protestants ― a religious group with strong ties to Trump and the Republican Party ― support the idea of granting religious exemptions to stay-at-home-orders, according to a Public Religion Research Institute report. About one-quarter of nonwhite Protestants said the same, along with 18% of both white Catholics and the religiously unaffiliated of all races, and 15% of white mainline Protestants. [HuffPost]

Fact check: Trump gets caught in a lie about not leaving White House for months. What about those campaign rallies?

CORONAVIRUS TASK FORCE TO ADDRESS RACIAL DISPARITY Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) signed an executive order creating an advisory task force meant to help address how the coronavirus pandemic has disproportionately infected and killed Black and brown Americans. The executive order cited data showing Black residents make up a staggering 40% of COVID-19 deaths in Michigan, though they represent 13.6% of the state’s population. [HuffPost]

3 thoughts on “Coronavirus news from Trump’s USA

  1. COVID-19 has exposed rampant and morally bankrupt inequality at the heart of our system.

    Poor folks and people of color are hospitalized at a far greater rate, “essential” workers are significantly underpaid (often laboring without protective equipment or health insurance), and more than 20 million Americans have lost their jobs in the span of a month.

    That’s why Our Revolution is launching a campaign to demand that Congress take concrete action to build a social safety net strong enough to guarantee the health and economic security of all Americans.

    Add your name here to insist that Congress bail out people, not just multinational corporations who can afford to spend heavily on lobbying!


    Thanks to our movement’s tireless organizing, we have progressive champions in Congress who are fighting for policies that address the health and economic pain of COVID-19.

    Bernie Sanders and others have called for $2,000 a month in basic income, and rent and eviction moratoriums for Americans for the duration of the crisis.

    Rep. Mark Pocan is calling for the expansion of work-sharing, which allows businesses to reduce work hours rather than laying off staff. The plan would then supplement lost wages with partial unemployment insurance to cover the difference.

    Rep. Pramila Jayapal is calling for a federal paycheck guarantee that would cover up to 100% of base salaries.

    Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Ro Khanna are calling for the inclusion of an Essential Worker Bill of Rights. These rights would expand workplace protections, including hazard pay for frontline workers, and provide universal healthcare and paid sick leave to all essential workers.

    Senator Jeff Merkley is proposing legislation to ban stock trading by lawmakers after Republican Senators profited by trading on non-public information they learned at briefings.

    Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez drew a line in the sand against incrementalism, saying that Democrats must “play hardball” in negotiating the House’s next relief bill and that if it doesn’t go far enough to protect working people, she will vote against it.

    Many of our allies have pointed out that with so many Americans losing their health insurance Medicare for All is now more important than ever.

    With so much suffering, we have a moral obligation to support our progressive champions in Congress and create as much grassroots pressure as possible to demand action that helps the American people, not whichever corporate lobbyist can afford to pay for access to the legislative process.

    Sign here to demand that Congress take action to protect the health and security of Americans!

    We’re all in this together,

    The whole team at Our Revolution


  2. Under the cover of night, Donald Trump sunk to a new low. He threatened to ban immigration into the US and used the global pandemic to try to hide his xenophobia and racism.

    This isn’t about stopping people from carrying the virus into the US. This isn’t about testing immigrants for the virus before allowing them into the United States. This is about banning immigrants.

    This. is. wrong. At a time when we should be coming together to navigate an unprecedented global health crisis, Trump and his administration are exploiting the crisis to sow division with racist immigration policies. It is especially disgusting, given that his supporters are rallying in state capitals this week, flying Confederate flags.

    We must send a message loud and clear: veterans and military families that have served and sacrificed for this country will not tolerate hate and racism at the highest levels of our government. If you agree, add your name today:

    add your name

    Instead of focusing on fighting the virus, implementing national testing programs, helping hard-working Americans who have recently found themselves unemployed find relief or figuring out how to get necessities to health care workers on the front line of this crisis, Trump is tweeting out discriminatory policies in the middle of the night.

    Add your name today: VoteVets represents over 700,000 progressive veterans, military families, and allies and we condemn Trump’s threat to suspend immigration into the US.

    add your name

    Don’t forget to forward this to any veterans, military families, or allies of our movement so they can sign, too. Every voice counts. This outrage needs to be loud and clear, and we need your help.

    Thank you.



  3. last week, under cover of the coronavirus crisis, the Trump administration quietly undermined safety measures regarding the release of mercury and other toxic pollutants from oil and coal-fired power plants. These are pollutants that have already been linked to higher COVID-19 death rates all over the country.

    In short: amid a global pandemic, where tens of thousands of Americans are dying from a virus that directly targets the respiratory system, the Trump administration is actively making it harder for people to breathe.

    The Trump administration isn’t stupid. They know that weakening standards for power plants and other polluters will result in the loss of lives. They went ahead and did it anyway.

    We can’t let them get away with this. This is quite literally a matter of life and death, and we need to raise hell until the EPA is forced to do its job. We can’t do this without your help.

    A donor is still triple-matching every single gift through the end of this month — please, make a donation today — even $5 helps »

    The EPA currently acknowledges that these mercury standards protect people’s health and save the American taxpayers money by preventing up to 11,000 premature deaths and 5,700 emergency room visits annually. In other words — in normal times, these regulations save lives. And these are NOT normal times.

    Trump and his goons are deliberately ignoring science and putting American lives in danger — just to let their friends and former employers make a quick buck. This is despicable, and we CANNOT let them continue to get away with this.

    We need to step up the pressure. The Trump administration is relying on the fact that the American public is preoccupied with trying to fight this virus on all fronts, and they’re assuming that we won’t have the bandwidth to stop them from going through with these rollbacks. We need to prove them wrong.

    That means we need to organize — virtually — on a massive scale. We need to spread the word and let people know that these rollbacks are happening in plain sight. We need to light up the phones in Congress, demanding that lawmakers mount aggressive pressure campaigns. We need to fundraise in order to fight back in court.

    Lola, we can’t do any of this without you. Every donation is being triple-matched through the end of the month, so every dollar you give will go three times as far.

    Please, chip in with a donation today — even $5 will make a huge difference »

    We know there’s a lot going on, and it can feel overwhelming at times. But we CAN win this, if we fight together. As always, thank you for your support. None of our work would be possible without you.

    Let’s do this —

    Gene Karpinski


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