Use empty Olympic Village, Japanese homeless ask

This 17 April 2020 video says about itself:

Japan is expanding its state of emergency as coronavirus spreads throughout the country. The measure will now cover the entire nation instead of just Tokyo, Osaka and other big cities. CBS News correspondent Ramy Inocencio reports from Tokyo.

Translated from Dutch NOS radio today:

A center for homeless people in Tokyo asks whether homeless people in the city can use the Olympic village. The Moyai Support Center for Independent Living says that if the corona outbreak continues, many people will end up in poverty and lose their homes.

The Olympic village was expected to accommodate 11,000 Olympic athletes and 4,400 Paralympic participants this summer, but the Games have been postponed to next year. As a result, the buildings are empty.

A petition addressed to the organizers of the Games has been signed more than 52,000 times. The organization of the Games did not want to respond to news agency AP.

About 1,000 people live on the street in the Japanese capital. Another 4000 spend the night in internet cafes.

If the Tokyo homeless people will be allowed to stay in the Olympic village, then they will not be easy prey, like before, for Yakuza gangsters recruiting them for working at the ruined Fukushima nuclear plant, exposing them to death by radioactive radiation.

2 thoughts on “Use empty Olympic Village, Japanese homeless ask

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