Refugees fight against coronavirus pandemic

This 19 March 2020 video says about itself:

As concerns grow about the spread of coronavirus, aid agencies are sounding the alarm about the vulnerability of refugees.

Al Jazeera’s Mohammed Jamjoom reports on efforts by aid workers and refugees to combat COVID-19.

Translated from Dutch NOS radio today:

In Arnhem, people with a migration background are going to make surgical masks on a large scale. The goal is to produce 100,000 masks per day. It is an initiative of refugee organization Refugee Company, which brought two machines from China to the Netherlands. The mouth masks that can be produced with it are suitable for healthcare personnel.

“It is great that in this way Arnhem people with a refugee background can contribute to fighting the coronavirus,” Alderwoman Cathelijne Bouwkamp told Omroep Gelderland radio.

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