Coronavirus news update

This 2 March 2020 video from the USA says about itself:

Coronavirus Outbreak Reaches New York City

Coronavirus Update — the outbreak continues to spread & has reached NYC. Will the outbreak slow or continue to gain momentum? John Iadarola breaks it down on The Damage Report.

U.S. health experts warn there are probably many undetected COVID-19 cases already here, raising chances the disease will soon be widespread: here.

6 key coronavirus numbers you should know. COVID-19 cases and deaths are going up around the world: here.

This 2 March 2020 video from the USA says about itself:

Trump & his administration‘s response to coronavirus oozes hypocrisy & lies. John Iadarola breaks it down on The Damage Report.

President Donald Trump promised Monday that “very exciting things are happening rapidly” on the coronavirus front, including a possible “quick” vaccine. But that hope was instantly dashed by the top health expert on Trump’s COVID-19 task force, who said a vaccine might be ready in 18 months. [HuffPost]

Lack of preparedness puts US health care workers at greatest risk from coronavirus. By Kate Randall, 3 March 2020. As of Monday evening, the coronavirus Covid-19 had claimed six lives in the United States, all of them in the state of Washington. There were at least 40 cases in the US and the disease is now present in at least 65 countries: here.

The Trump administration’s incompetent and criminally negligent response to the coronavirus outbreak: here.

ER DOCTOR SLAMS TRUMP ADMIN’S VIRUS-TESTING LOGJAM Infectious disease expert Matt McCarthy sounded the alarm about the critical lack of available testing for the new coronavirus, blasting it as a “national scandal” that has “hamstrung” health care professionals.  McCarthy, who is on staff at New York-Presbyterian Hospital in Manhattan, complained on CNBC that he has to “plead” for COVID-19 testing for patients. [HuffPost]

This 2 March 2020 video from the USA is called NYC ER doctor: I have to ‘plead to test people’ for coronavirus.

From The People’s Email Network in the USA, 3 March 2020:

Just the other day Trump tried to tell America, in a voice sheepishly subdued for him, that the 15 US infections of that moment would “soon be down to only five”, as he patted himself on the back for his swell presidenting.

To the contrary, as of this writing, US deaths alone are already up to 6 with infections over 100, and those are just the ones we can confirm with no widespread testing in place even yet. Clearly, the virus has been quietly community spreading in the US in more than a dozen states for weeks already. And despite the overt attempt to muzzle Dr. Anthony Fauci, he said today in an interview that as far as he was concerned this was already a pandemic.

Just when we need presidential leadership the most, we have a person in the Oval Office with no leadership qualities whatsoever. He is only capable of demagoging, hurling gratuitous insults at his political opponents, and oh yes, repeatedly telling the most monstrous lies with an absolutely straight face, ad nauseam.

With such a person in charge, nothing positive said by our government can be believed. When the CDC tells you to not worry about this or that, we’d damn well better worry. But the people who need to worry the most are Trump’s most diehard supporters.

Rush Limbaugh is telling them that the coronavirus is a big, fat hoax burger. And to prove how much spite and contempt they have for the truth, they will be showing up at Trump’s own rallies, coughing their heads off, and calling anyone who doesn’t like it a libtard snowflake. They will be massing together in close quarters to prove just how fake the news is, according to them.

In short, in coming months, the place one would be most likely to be infected with the coronavirus will be one of Trump’s own Make America Sick Again campaign rallies. And it could at any time mutate into something even more deadly, as it was with the 1918 influenza plague.

That a functional US government has survived even this long under Trump is a testament to the resiliency of our system, finally at an existential breaking point. Trump has done nothing but work to dismantle, discredit and disable all of our institutions, purging them of good public servants, and replacing them with incompetent sycophants, selected solely for their willingness to goose-step for Herr Trump. He has systematically purged anyone who disagreed with him, or told him anything he did not want to hear. Trump actually abolished the department responsible for responding quickly to possible pandemics, because it had too many . . . wait for it . . . scientists. It’s a miracle Fauci himself is still around in any capacity.

We don’t have to look far for patient zero in the US coronavirus pandemic already in progress. Effectively it is Trump himself.

Lying had already reached pandemic levels.

Six people have died in Washington state as the United States grapples with more than 100 cases of the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. Four of the people who died were residents at the Life Care Center nursing care facility in suburban Seattle. Four other coronavirus cases are also linked to the Life Care Center. [CNN]

Governments skimp on funds to fight the coronavirus, open cash spigots for the banks: here.

As the coronavirus spreads globally, Russia announced its first case in its capital city. An individual who recently returned from Italy tested positive for the illness on March 1, about a week after coming back from a ski trip in the country’s north. On February 27 he went to a local hospital reporting symptoms and was then transferred to an infectious disease unit in Moscow. The government is facing criticism for its handling of the case, as the man was initially placed in an open ward with other patients and only moved to isolation after a third test indicated he had contracted COVID-19: here.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe delivered a speech on Saturday to try to address the growing criticism surrounding his government’s handling of the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak. So far, there have been 259 confirmed cases of infection and six deaths. Twenty people are currently in critical condition. This excludes the 711 confirmed cases and six deaths aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship docked in Yokohama: here.

Far-Right Politicians Are Using Coronavirus To Push Anti-Immigration Xenophobia. The spread of the coronavirus has health officials worried about a potential global pandemic. But while governments and international organizations are rushing to stop the virus, far-right politicians in Europe have been eager to exploit it: here.

3 thoughts on “Coronavirus news update

  1. Pingback: Coronavirus update | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: British thugs abuse coronavirus for anti-Asian racism | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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