Donald Trump scared of Bernie Sanders

This 2 January 2020 video from presidential candidate Bernie Sanders in the USA says about itself:

Trump’s Worst Nightmare

Something big is happening across the country. We’re going to finish the political revolution we started.

We’re going to win this election and transform the country, but we can’t do it alone. The way we win is person-to-person contact, knocking on doors and making the case for people to get out to vote. Are you in?

Host or attend an event: here.

‘Definition of a rigged system’: Sanders campaign hits back after DNC changes debate rules for billionaire latecomer Mike Bloomberg: here.

19 thoughts on “Donald Trump scared of Bernie Sanders

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  15. Pingback: Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden US president? | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  16. Pingback: Donald Trump scared of Bernie Sanders — Dear Kitty. Some blog – Mare Nostrum

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