Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler, video

This 21 August 2019 video from the USA says about itself:

Proof Trump WORSHIPS Hitler

Trump keeps a book of Hitler‘s speeches and more. John Iadarola and Jayar Jackson break it down on The Damage Report.

This 21 August 2019 video from the USA says about itself:

Trump Accidentally Said the Anti-Semitic Part Out Loud

Donald Trump accuses Jewish Americans of “great disloyalty”. John Iadarola and Jayar Jackson break it down on The Damage Report.

Trump denounces Jews for “disloyalty” if they do not vote for him. … A spokesman for the liberal Jewish group J Street said, “It is dangerous and shameful for President Trump to attack the large majority of the American Jewish community as unintelligent and ‘disloyal’ … But it is no surprise that the president’s racist, disingenuous attacks on progressive women of color in Congress have now transitioned into smears against Jews”: here.

The Long And Violent History Of Anti-Semitic ‘Disloyalty’ Charges: here.

JEWISH LEADERS BLAST ACCUSATIONS OF ‘DISLOYALTY’ Several prominent American Jewish organizations and leaders have decried President Donald Trump’s claims this week that Jews who vote for Democrats show “either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty.” [HuffPost]

Trump Quotes Jew-Turned-Evangelical Christian Calling Him ‘King Of Israel’: here.

Anti-Semitic beliefs are growing among evangelical Christians, the Washington Post reported. The shifting attitudes of such groups comes at a moment when Donald Trump is making the anti-Semitic claim that Jews have equal or greater loyalty to Israel than to America. Trump has also made it clear that he is taking cues from evangelical figures and groups, recently tweeting a quote from an evangelical radio host who said that Trump is the “King of Israel”. … “Some associations in certain conservative areas, with Jews being liberal, cosmopolitan, international and that being a threat to American Christian identity: You’re going to find those views, weirdly, right alongside expressing support for Israel”, Daniel Hummel, a historian of Jewish-evangelical relations, told the Post. “Someone like that would be vaguely or even strongly anti-Semitic but also pro-Israel.”: here.

TRUMP RAMPS UP WAR ON LGBTQ AMERICANS Through executive orders, agency rule-making and tweets, the Trump administration has been blasting away at the LGBTQ community from the start. Now, the administration is ratcheting up the stakes, in a critical LGBTQ rights case scheduled to come before the Supreme Court this fall. [HuffPost]

‘POSSIBLE MISCONDUCT’ WITH TRUMP TAX RETURNS Democrats say they got a tip from a federal employee that somebody may have tried to interfere with an IRS audit of Trump’s taxes. The revelation came to light in a court filing in Democrats’ lawsuit seeking the president’s tax returns. [HuffPost]

California School District Re-Opens Investigation Into Team Making Nazi Salute: here.

3 thoughts on “Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler, video

  1. Pingback: Pro-Donald Trump propaganda by Falun Gong cult | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Trump’s nuclear bombs, Bob Dylan musical parody | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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