Billionaire pedophilia suspect Epstein, suicide or …?

This 11 August 2019 video from the USA is called Jimmy Dore’s Joke Predicted Jeffrey Epstein’s Suicide.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV today:

Epstein’s victims disappointed, many questions about suicide

Virginia Giuffre was awakened by her husband to hear the news. Jeffrey Epstein, the man accused of having used her as a sex slave from the age of 16, was dead. He had committed suicide in his cell. Giuffre burst into tears.

Like many other women who accuse Epstein, Giuffre was relieved that Epstein could never hurt anyone again, but was also disappointed that he managed to escape a trial. “We have worked so hard on it, and now he has taken it away from us”, she tells The New York Times.

Protest against Epstein at courthouse, AFP video

“On the one hand, she feels relief because she doesn’t have to worry about his release”, says Kimberly Lerner, another woman’s lawyer. “On the other hand, she can never look him in the eye again and say,” You hurt me.”

“We will carry the scars for the rest of our lives, but he will never notice the consequences of his crimes,” says Jennifer Araoz, allegedly abused at the age of 15, in a statement. A cowardly act, another lawyer calls it, “not the end that anyone was waiting for”.

‘No coincidence’

For all victims, it is clear that the death of Epstein should not be the end of the investigation into his actions. The day before the 66-year-old millionaire committed suicide, procedural documents were made public in which people around him were accused of facilitating his crimes.

“It is no coincidence that he took his life when it became public that his international sex operation was much larger and more sophisticated than expected,” says Giuffre’s lawyer. A lawyer who assists nine victims demands that anyone who protected Epstein, destroyed evidence or looked away, should be prosecuted.

The US Department of Justice has already said that the investigation into the people who made the abuse possible will continue. Several victims also intend to start civil lawsuits for damages against his inheritance.

Suicide watch suspended

In addition, an investigation is being launched into how it was possible that Epstein could commit suicide in his cell. …

One of the questions that needs to be answered is why there was no longer a suicide watch for Epstein, who is said to have attempted suicide in July. That stricter check, in which Epstein also received daily psychological help, is said to have been suspended a week and a half ago. …

Both Bill Clinton and Donald Trump themselves met in the past with the wealthy society figure Epstein. …

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, where Epstein died, also has his reservations. “This is way too convenient.

Convenient for whom? Does Mayor de Blasio hint at Trump, Clinton, British Prince Andrew, the CIA or Dyncorp mercenary corporation?

What a lot of us want to know is, what did he know? How many other millionaires and billionaires were part of the illegal activities that he was engaged in? Well, that information didn’t die with Jeffrey Epstein. That needs to be investigated, too.”