Right-wing Bolsonaro endangers Brazilian Amazon wildlife

This 12 July 2019 video says about itself:

Amazon in Danger of Total Destruction Under Brazil’s Right-Wing President Bolsonaro

If another 20 percent of the Amazon rainforest is destroyed, it could start a vicious cycle of self-destruction, unleashing enormous amounts of CO2 and massively impacting regional and global climate, says Alexander Zaitchik

This 2015 video is called Wild Amazon Documentary HD.

WILDFIRES IN AMAZON REACH RECORD HIGH Wildfires raging in the Amazon rainforest have hit a record number this year, with 72,843 fires detected so far by Brazil’s space research center INPE, as concerns grow over right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro’s environmental policy. [Reuters]

The deadlock over whether to fuel two Iranian cargo ships stranded in southern Brazil has further exposed the sharp contradictions facing the country’s ruling establishment amid its violent turn to the right that culminated in the election of the fascistic president Jair Bolsonaro: here.

Brazil’s Bolsonaro threatens Glenn Greenwald, ratchets up fascist rants: here.

WHAT TO KNOW ABOUT THE FIRES RAGING IN THE AMAZON Brazil’s space agency said this week that nearly 73,000 fires had broken out across the Amazon rainforest since the start of the year, imperiling one of the planet’s last refuges of biodiversity and raising concern about the region’s ability to combat climate change amid a rollback of environmental protections by the country’s far-right leader. [HuffPost]

THE MURDER OF THE AMAZON GATHERS PACE The record wildfires now raging in the Amazon serve as a stark reminder of what’s at stake as Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro’s policies allow ranchers, loggers and miners to destroy the world’s largest forest and repository of carbon dioxide at an unprecedented pace. [HuffPost]

15 thoughts on “Right-wing Bolsonaro endangers Brazilian Amazon wildlife

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