Brazilian far-right Bolsonaro not to New York

This 15 April 2019 video says about itself:

Bolsonaro presidency a threat to the Amazon?

About 60 percent of the Amazon rainforest is located on Brazilian territory. While scientists have highlighted its importance – both as an irreplaceable biodiversity treasure and an essential global climate regulator – deforestation continues. During his election campaign, Brazil’s new President Jair Bolsonaro frequently criticised environmentalism, boasting strong ties with the agribusiness industry, and threatening to leave the Paris climate accord.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV today:

Brazilian President Bolsonaro has canceled a trip to the United States after controversy about his election as “person of the year” by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce. Following protests by activists, major sponsors of the event withdrew.

Bolsonaro was to be highlighted this month by the trade organization at a gala dinner in a hotel in New York. In the run-up to the event, protests against the arrival of the far-right president grew because of his controversial statements about women and LGBTQ people.

The newspaper The Financial Times, consultancy firm Bain & Company and airline Delta Airlines withdrew as sponsors because of all the fuss. In addition, New York City Mayor De Blasio called the Brazilian president a “dangerous man”.

Protest at event location

A petition against Bolsonaro‘s visit to the US was also signed more than 60,000 times. The initiators accuse him of racism, hatred of women and homophobia. Activists protested in recent days at the hotel where the event was to take place.

The Brazilian president says he is canceling the trip because of all opposition to his arrival and the personal attacks by the mayor of New York.

This 18 April 2019 video says about itself:

Bolsonaro Has Been Banned From A New York Museum

A gala event planned to honor Bolsonaro, Brazil’s far-right president at the American Museum of Natural History has been canceled after after widespread criticism and public outcry.

DALLAS COUNCIL AND LGBTQ GROUPS SET TO PROTEST BOLSONARO Another U.S. visit will likely bring another round of protests and official rebukes of far-right Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro, as American activists and lawmakers opposed to his his racist, sexist, homophobic and environmentally destructive policies attempt to make him unwelcome in the U.S. [HuffPost]

BRAZIL’S FINANCIAL ELITES LOSE FAITH Jair Bolsonaro pitched himself as a populist savior, but the right-wing authoritarian has relied heavily on the support of Brazil’s wealthy classes and financial elites. Less than six months into his presidency, the elites’ elation and optimism has given way to anxiety. [HuffPost]

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