No more blackface in Brussels, Belgium

A noiraud in Brussels, Belgium

Translated from Dutch NOS TV today:

No more blackface make-up for Brussels ‘noirauds’ [‘darkies’]

A Brussels tradition to collect money for charities in blackface is going to change. From now on the ‘noirauds’ will take to the streets in the colours of the Belgian flag.

Since 1876, the city’s celebrities have been collecting money every year in blackface. They supposedly represent ‘African noblemen’, because the conquest of Africa at that time [by Belgian King Leopold II] appealed to the imagination.

Recently the tradition came under fire, just like Zwarte Piet in the Netherlands. In 2015 there was even an international fuss when [Foreign Affairs] Minister Didier Reynders took part in the custom.

Many critics made a connection with the colonial past of Belgium and pointed to the atrocities in Congo. The minister did not see the problem …


The noirauds organization sees it differently nowadays. “The mission is jeopardized by the fuss about our appearance, which is why we want to evolve”, says a spokesperson. “A new look fits the spirit of the times.”

The next collection campaign of the ‘noirauds’ will be held from 14 to 17 March. Then the new colours will also be seen for the first time.

3 thoughts on “No more blackface in Brussels, Belgium

  1. This is sickening how they went with blackface in that purpose even to this day. Belgium should be ashamed of themselves much like how Leopold II slaughtered over 10 million Congolese.


      • Thank you. I also saw a video from Dr. Mumbi a while ago that talked about the UN talking about Belgium’s colonial past. There was a part which showed this chocolate cake in the shape of a pregnant African woman with a man in blackface “crying” every time someone cuts the cake to get a piece. Geez, cannibalistic implications much? That was a sick joke.


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