Arrests for solidarity with Sudanese refugee deported to torture

This 21 January 2018 video says about itself:

Deported from Belgium, tortured in Sudan – BBC News

Last autumn Belgian authorities invited Sudanese officials to identify Sudanese migrants living in Brussels and speed up deportation. But as reports emerge of torture on return to their home country, has this approach endangered those seeking refuge?

Translated from Dutch NOS TV today:

Three passengers on a KLM flight to Nairobi were arrested on Saturday when they opposed the deportation of a refugee who had exhausted all legal remedies. That happened on the plane at Schiphol airport, just before departure, reports NH News.

On board the aircraft was the 25-year-old refugee Ezzedine Mehimmid.

From Darfur province in Sudan. There, and elsewhere, the dictator of Sudan gets away with massacring his own people because is a buddy of NATO countries’ governments.

He was deported to Sudan by the Netherlands, but according to the Amsterdam refugee group We Are Here, Mehimmid would be arrested and tortured on arrival in Sudan.

To prevent the expulsion, a number of people went into the aircraft, so the flight could not leave. Eventually the military police went in and three people were arrested. According to an eyewitness, that went violently.


“I was shocked by the amount of violence”, passenger Joost Fontein tells NH News. “The last arrested person, a young woman, was even taken into a headlock and dragged out by the policemen.”

Video images deleted

There are no video images of the incident. According to Fontein, this is because passengers were forced to remove the images from their cellphones. “When they saw that I was filming everything, I was told quite harshly that I could choose: remove everything or also leave the plane in shackles.” Eventually he decided to remove his images.

According to the military police, KLM staff has indicated that according to the house rules filming is not allowed on the plane. …

Is that a general rule? If that rule would have been enforced, then it would, eg, been impossible to prove that a British white bigot insulted an African Jamaican woman sitting next to him in an Ryanair plane with racist words.


The flight to Nairobi eventually left half an hour later than planned. Via Nairobi Mehimmid was then brought to Sudan. Human rights organization Amnesty International says that nothing has been heard from him since.

Thursday, January 10, 2019. More deaths in Sudan as Communists report arrest of spokesman Fathi Alfadl: here.

Monday, January 21, 2019. Sudanese forces accused of an ‘unbridled killing spree’ as anti-government protests continue: here.

Hundreds of thousands of Sudanese workers and peasants have staged nationwide protests since December 19 that are the biggest threat to the rule of President Omar al-Bashir since he came to power in a 1989 coup: here.

22 thoughts on “Arrests for solidarity with Sudanese refugee deported to torture

  1. Pingback: Mystery Blogger Award, thank you Yaasotaa! | Dear Kitty. Some blog

      • It looks more that the Dutch government wants to cover for theBelgian government, where the rightwing people of the Flemish site have no empathy for some difficult situations of non-Flemish and/or non-Belgian people. With some African countries they want to stand on good grounds because they need basic materials from there.


        • Maybe the Dutch government does this also because of the Belgian government. But, Belgium or no Belgium, there is xenophobia in the Dutch coalition government, eg, in the VVD, the biggest party which fears losing votes to the far-right PVV party of ex-VVD MP Wilders. NATO country governments have a good relationship with Sudanese dictator Bashir, because of oil, but also because Bashir helps to stop refugees. And because he helped NATO in the 2011 war on Libya. And because he sends child soldiers to fight on the Saudi side in the war on Yemen; which is also the side supported by NATO countries’ governments.


  2. Update over de dreigende deportatie van de Soedanese vluchteling Ali al-Helou Tiyah

    Gisteren berichtten wij over de op handen zijnde uitzetting van Ali al-Helou Tiyah. Vandaag werd bekend dat hij niet op 22 januari zal worden uitgezet. Maar we mogen niet te vroeg juichen, want de nieuwe deportatiedatum zou al vanaf 23 januari kunnen zijn. Mogelijk gaat het dus maar om een uitstel van enige dagen. Er lopen nog meerdere juridische procedures over verblijfsrecht, waaronder spoedprocedures, maar die hebben nog niet tot afzegging van de deportatieplannen van de staat geleid. Protest is daarom nog steeds erg nodig. Wat jij kunt bijdragen lees je onderaan het artikel van gisteren. Lees meer:

    Protest voert druk op tegen Al-Bashir en deportatie van Soedanese vluchtelingen (Twitter-verslag)

    Vanmiddag protesteerden zo’n zeventig Soedanezen tegen het moordzuchtige regime van dictator Al-Bashir en het deporteren door de Nederlandse staat van vluchtelingen naar Soedan. De demonstranten mochten niet verzamelen op het Plein omdat daar een ander protest gaande was (van Oeigoeren), en daarom begon de demonstratie op het Lange Voorhout. Wel werd er een pleitbrief tegen de deportaties aangeboden aan de secretaris van de Tweede Kamer. Het protest eindigde bij de Soedanese ambassade, waar ook nog enkele toespraken werden gehouden. Hieronder een verslag in 13 tweets. Lees meer:

    Protesteer tegen de dreigende deportatie van de Soedanese vluchteling Ali al-Helou Tiyah!

    Op dinsdag 22 januari willen de Dienst Terugkeer en Vertrek (DTV) en vliegtuigmaatschappij KLM de vluchteling Ali al-Helou Tiyah deporteren naar Soedan. Tiyah is 44 jaar, komt uit Zuid-Kordofan en verblijft inmiddels al meer dan zestien jaar in Nederland. Hij zit nu gevangen in het Rotterdamse detentiecentrum. Met de onderstaande tekst roepen organisaties en individuen die opkomen voor de belangen van Soedanese vluchtelingen, waaronder Doorbraak, iedereen op om in actie te komen en deze deportatie te stoppen. Lees meer:


  3. Minstens 12 marechausees betrokken bij deportatiegeweld tegen Soedanese vluchteling Ezzedine Mehimmid

    Anna vloog op 5 januari met vlucht KL0565 naar Nairobi. In hetzelfde vliegtuig bevond zich ook Ezzedine Mehimmid, de Soedanese vluchteling die met geweld door de marechaussee gedeporteerd werd. Hier haar verslag. Lees meer:


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