Canadian, Las Vegas workers fight for their rights

This video from Nevada in the USA says about itself:

Vegas workers may strike for first time in years

23 May 2018

Members of the Culinary Workers Union voted to authorize a citywide strike unless they reach a contract deal with their employers by June 1.

By Jerry White in the USA:

Canadian rail workers, Las Vegas casino workers set to strike as class conflict widens across North America

29 May 2018

More than 3,000 railway workers could strike Canadian Pacific at 10 p.m. tonight, while 50,000 food service and hospitality workers could walk out of the major casinos in Las Vegas, Nevada at 12:01 a.m. Friday. The potential walkouts, which follow a massive contract rejection by the CP rail workers and a near unanimous strike vote by the casino workers, are part of a series of working-class struggles spreading across North America and internationally. …

In Las Vegas, thousands of members of the Culinary Workers Union voted during mass meetings last week by a 99–1 percent margin to authorize the first city-wide casino strike since the 67-day walkout in 1984. A strike by kitchen workers, servers, bellmen, porters and guest room attendants would hit 34 major casinos, including those owned by the largest casino operators, MGM and Caesars. …

The struggle of US teachers is also continuing. Hundreds of elementary school teachers in the San Diego suburb of National City, California, voted by 88 percent last week to strike. The contract covering 300 teachers at 10 elementary schools expires on June 30, with school officials offering a one-time, two percent bonus and demanding the lengthening of the school day by five percent. The National City Elementary Teachers Association, which is resuming mediated talks today, has signaled that it will not call a strike before the end of the school year, but that it might once schools resume in September if the district unilaterally imposes its demands.

Thousands of Las Vegas casino workers mull strike action over fears robots could take jobs: here.

1 thought on “Canadian, Las Vegas workers fight for their rights

  1. Pingback: Las Vegas, USA attack on homeless people | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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