Hawaii albatrosses dancing

This 10 May 2018 video from Hawaii says about itself:

Adult Albatrosses Hang Out, Practice Dancing In Front Of Camera – May 10, 2018

It’s never too early for a dance party on the Kauai Laysan Albatross cam.

Watch a group of lively adults gather in the early morning hours to practice their elaborate courtship routines right in front of the camera!

The Kauai Laysan Albatross cam is a collaboration between the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the Kauai Albatross Network. Watch live with news, updates, and FAQs at http://allaboutbirds.org/albatross.

3 thoughts on “Hawaii albatrosses dancing

  1. Pingback: Hawaiian bird conservation, new study | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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