Rohingya genocide in Myanmar

This 13 November 2017 video is called The Myanmar genocide and the campaign of erasing the entire Rohingya population.

THIS AP INVESTIGATION OF THE MYANMAR MILITARY RAPES OF ROHINGYA WOMEN IS A HORRIFYING MUST-READ “The soldiers arrived, as they often did, long after sunset. It was June, and the newlyweds were asleep in their home, surrounded by the fields of wheat they farmed in western Myanmar. Without warning, seven soldiers burst into the house and charged into their bedroom.” [AP]

THE ACTUAL ROHINGYA DEATH TOLL IS 22 TIMES HIGHER THAN OFFICIAL ESTIMATE According to Doctors Without Borders, thousands more have died than the government admits. [HuffPost]

A report based on surveys by the medical relief organisation, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), has provided the first detailed study of the horrific scale of killings by military, police and Buddhist nationalist thugs of the Rohingya population in Burma’s Rakhine state: here.

Reuters journalists have been charged in Myanmar after reporting on the Rohingya crisis.

Suu Kyi’s state visit to Australia prompts protests over her response to the Rohingya tragedy: here.

19 thoughts on “Rohingya genocide in Myanmar

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  5. BANGLADESH: Three Nobel Peace Prize laureates turned on fellow winner Aung San Suu Kyi yesterday over Myanmar’s ethnic cleansing of its Rohingya people.

    On a week-long trip to inspect Rohingya refugee camps in the country, they said Ms Suu Kyi could not avoid responsibility for the actions of Myanmar’s army.

    Yemeni winner Tawakkol Karman warned Ms Suu Kyi she should “wake up or face prosecution.”


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