Big Yemeni demonstration against Saudi war

This video says about itself:

Thousands rally in Sanaa, Yemen against Saudi-led airstrikes

26 March 2017

Massive crowds have hit the streets of Yemen’s capital, Sanaa in protest of the Saudi-led bombing campaign.

From Reuters news agency, 26 March 2017:

Thousands In Yemen Rally On Second Anniversary Of Civil War

Many waved national colors and denounced the U.S. and Saudi Arabia over the conflict.

SANAA (Reuters) – Thousands of Yemenis packed a square in the capital Sanaa on Sunday on the second anniversary of a war that has claimed the lives of more than 10,000 people and pushed the impoverished country to the brink of famine.

It was the biggest gathering since a Saudi-led coalition of Arab states entered the conflict in 2015 to try to restore [Saudi appointed] President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi to power after he was ousted from Sanaa. …

“This is a message to the world to tell everyone that despite two years of war, the Yemeni people are still victorious, still alive and still love peace,” said Essam al-Abed.

U.S. WEIGHING GREATER INVOLVEMENT IN YEMEN WAR “U.S. military activity in Yemen until now has been confined mainly to counterterrorism operations against al-Qaeda’s affiliate there, with limited indirect backing for gulf state efforts in a two-year-old war that has yielded significant civilian casualties.” [WaPo]