Monsanto-Bayer merger and Trump, petition

This video from the USA says about itself:

Tell Bayer: Stop Killing Our Bees

15 September 2015

America’s bees are dying at some of the highest rates ever, struggling to survive a deluge of next-generation pesticides called “neonics” unleashed by multinational chemical giants like Monsanto, Syngenta and Bayer — the world’s largest manufacturer of these bee-killing chemicals. Why is this a problem? One out of every three bites of food we eat relies on bees for pollination. Tell Bayer’s CEO to save our bees and stop selling highly toxic neonic pesticides in the U.S. Take action here.

From Avaaz today:

Dear friends,

This is urgent! Trump is ready to bless a merger between chemical giants Monsanto and Bayer to create a $100 billion agribusiness beast designed to dominate our earth’s food system.

It’s not only bad business to allow one company to grow this huge, it’s against the law. And two little known regulators in the US and Europe can stop the deal. The problem is they’re being pounded by lobbying from two of the world’s most powerful corporations and a President hell-bent on seeing the deal succeed.

Only a massive movement like ours can counter the assault.

We beat Monsanto twice last year in exactly this way, but this time we need unprecedented numbers to show the regulators people everywhere want to stop a megaplan backed by President Trump. Add your name:

Click to stop this monster marriage made in hell

Monsanto and Bayer combined would dominate global crops and pesticides, and control our food system! And these are companies that have poisoned bee populations, river water, food and created seeds that die after one generation so that small farmers remain loyal customers under crippling debt.

Bayer and Monsanto met with Trump before he took office and he released a statement afterwards taking credit for large pieces of the merger megaplan. But luckily the EU’s competition commissioner still has the power to block the deal and the US antitrust chief can file a lawsuit if they decide it goes against the public interest.

Both regulators are under massive pressure to waive the deal through. But we’ve foiled this kind of contract before. Let’s build a call so strong that these public defenders move to protect the common good:  

Click to stop this monster marriage made in hell

We already blocked the license renewal of Monsanto’s biggest product, glyphosate, and helped ban one of Bayer’s bee-killing pesticides in Europe. Let’s show them that even if they try to team up, we will stand up and fight together for our health, our food, our farms, and our earth.

With determination,

Pascal, Nick, Dalia, Alice, Bert, Danny and the rest of the Avaaz team


Trump Is Ready to Bless Monsanto and Bayer’s Massive Merger

Bayer-Monsanto Pledge Investment, Jobs After Trump Meeting

Bayer to Buy Monsanto, Creating a Massive Seeds and Pesticides Company

A CHEMICAL IN A POPULAR MONSANTO WEED KILLER Has been added to a list of cancer-causing chemicals. [Reuters]

INSIDE THE ‘WEED KILLER CRISIS’ “As the U.S. growing season entered its peak this summer, farmers began posting startling pictures on social media: fields of beans, peach orchards and vegetable gardens withering away.” [Reuters]

Agriculture: Warning signs over the planned Monsanto-Bayer merger: here.

7 thoughts on “Monsanto-Bayer merger and Trump, petition

  1. Dear friends,

    Monsanto is launching a super poison that kills plants in its path — except for Monsanto GMOs. It even flies through the air onto neighbouring land!

    But in days we can shut it down.

    After a massive outcry from 1,000 affected farmers, a key US state could now ban this poison. This will set a precedent to influence regulation around the world.

    Monsanto is mounting an intense pressure campaign, and hoping to keep it to a local fight. But if one million of us sign this petition now, we’ll submit it to the official process and show that the whole world wants this toxic chemical out of our fields and off our food! Add your name:

    Stand up to Monsanto

    It’s no surprise farmers are up in arms. Dicamba spreads death with the wind, drifting onto their crops, trees, soil, and water. Farmers are now faced with a terrible choice — switch to Monsanto GMO seeds, or watch their crops die.

    It’s a greedy, dangerous scheme that will make Monsanto billions and could destroy our food system.

    But we can stop it. 17 US states opened Dicamba investigations and key Arkansas authorities just recommended a ban — now it is up for a vote. Regulators from the EU to Latin America are watching carefully. If one million of us face down Monsanto in Arkansas, and win a ban, we could stop this deadly poison in its tracks.

    Stand up to Monsanto

    For years, the Avaaz community has taken on the David vs Goliath fight to stop the corrupt and dangerous takeover of our food system. And we are winning. Last year, we helped stop Monsanto from opening a flagship GM factory in Argentina, and we stopped the EU from giving a new license to the pesticide glyphosate. Now, we can help win in Arkansas where the next fight begins.

    With hope and determination,

    Dalia, Nick, Danny, Allison, Diego, Camille and the rest of the Avaaz team


    Arkansas Defies Monsanto, Moves To Ban Rogue Weedkiller (NPR)

    This miracle weed killer was supposed to save farms. Instead, it’s devastating them. (Washington Post)

    Arkansas one step from dicamba ban (AgriNews)

    Monsanto Fighting Arkansas Dicamba Ban (Arkansas Matters)

    Arkansas one step from ban on controversial herbicide next summer (Reuters)


  2. Pingback: Monsanto in trouble | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  3. Pingback: Trump OK’s Bayer-Monsanto bee-killers’ corporate merger | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  4. Pingback: Monsanto becomes Bayer, different name, same problems | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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