‘USA supports ISIS’, Turkey’s Erdogan says

This video says about itself:

2 December 2015

The Turkish leadership, including Erdogan & his family are involved in ISIS oil trade, the Russian MoD announced on Wednesday, showcasing satellite images and footage from oil facilities and the Syrian-Turkish border.

And now today, seemingly a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV:

Erdogan: US Supports Islamic State [ISIS]

Today, 19:53

Turkey accuses the United States Americans that they provide indirect assistance to terrorist groups, including Islamic State [ISIS]. “We also have evidence,” said Erdogan at a press conference in Ankara.

It involves fighters from the coalition in Syria supported by the United States. This coalition also supports the militant Kurdish organizations YPG and PYD, as was already known. The Turkish accusation that ISIS is being helped too is new.

“The Americans accuse us that we support Islamic State [ISIS],” Erdogan said.

United States Vice President Biden said that, but retracted it under pressure from the United States government bureaucracy.

Others who said it include the Russian government (as the video says), the Israeli government, Turkish (now oppressed) media and Turkish MPs.

“But now they give aid themselves to terrorist groups, including IS [ISIS], YPG and PYD. It is very clear. We have confirmed evidence, photos and videos.”

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