DAPL pipeline stopped, but Trump?

This video from the USA says about itself:

Will Trump Reverse Dakota Access Pipeline Decision?

5 December 2016

The Army has blocked the Dakota Access Pipeline for now. Will this last under a Trump administration? Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down.

“The Obama administration halted construction on the Dakota Access oil pipeline Sunday, saying it would hold off on granting the final easement for the project while it conducts a thorough environmental review.

Both the developer and President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team have vowed to finish construction, while protesters say they could bring the conflict to court.

Here are five things to watch in the unfolding fight.

When Trump and his administration take office, approving Dakota Access probably won’t be as simple as signing a piece of paper.

The Army Corps of Engineers ordered an environmental impact statement for the project Sunday. Experts say that because of that, Trump’s administration will have to either complete the yearslong process or find a way to remove the requirement for testing the environmental impact. Doing the latter, however, would be a rare move that could subject the pipeline to a lawsuit.

“I think it ties the hands of the next administration,” said Sarah Krakoff, a professor at the University of Colorado Law School.

Trump may look for a way to undo Obama’s decision so that the environmental review isn’t needed anymore.

Alternatively, Trump could wait for a decision from the federal District Court of the District of Columbia. It must rule on a motion from Energy Transfer Partners, Dakota Access’s developer, that the Army Corps must grant it a permit to build the pipeline.”

Read more here.

This video from the USA says about itself:

Veterans Ask Native Americans For Forgiveness At Standing Rock

5 December 2016

TYT Politics Reporter Jordan Chariton spoke with veterans and tribal leaders on December 5th, 2016 following a powerful ceremony where veterans asked Native Americans for forgiveness for the original sins of America perpetrated against Native Americans.

Trump Signs Executive Orders On Keystone XL, Dakota Access Pipelines. The new president has long supported the fiercely protested oil pipelines. 01/24/2017 11:41 am ET: here.

Border Patrol prevents Journalist from reporting on Standing Rock: here.

17 thoughts on “DAPL pipeline stopped, but Trump?

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