British children abused as drugs guinea pigs

This video from the USA says about itself:

23 February 2012

GUINEA PIG KIDS – A BBC documentary exposes how the city of New York has forced “HIV” positive children under its supervision to be used as human guinea pigs in tests for experimental Antiretroviral drug trials.

All of the children in the program were under the legal guidance of the city’s child welfare department, the Administration for Children’s Services. Most live in foster care or independent homes run on behalf of the local authorities and almost all the children are believed to be African-American or Latino.

The BBC identified pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline as one of the companies that provided the experimental drugs for the tests. In the documentary, parents or guardians who refused to consent to the trials claim that children were removed by ACS and placed in foster families or children’s homes. Then, acting over their objections, ACS authorized the life-ending Antiretroviral drug trials.


A video from Britain used to say about itself:

Schoolchildren given experimental drugs without their parents’ consent in 1960s Home Office experiment

22 August 2016

Disruptive boys at Richmond Hill Approved School in North Yorkshire were given an anticonvulsant drug in a trial backed by Home Office doctors.

Children at an approved school were given experimental drugs in a 1960s trial backed by the Home Office, it is reported.

Disruptive boys at Richmond Hill Approved School in North Yorkshire allegedly participated in the trial without their parents’ consent.

They were given the anticonvulsant drug Beclamide for six months in a bid to control their behaviour, National Archive files show.

Home Office doctors also approved a similar trial of the powerful sedative Haloperidol on girls at Springhead Park Approved School in Rothwell near Leeds.

However, it reportedly did not go ahead.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

Children used in 60s drugs trials

Tuesday 23rd August 2016

NATIONAL ARCHIVES: Children at a young offenders’ school in the 1960s became unwitting guinea pigs in an experimental drug trial that was approved by Home Office doctors.

National Archive files released yesterday show that disruptive boys at Richmond Hill Approved School in North Yorkshire were given the anticonvulsant drug beclamide, which is no longer widely used, for six months. Dizziness, memory loss and fatigue are some of its common side effects.

The trial went ahead with neither children and parents being consulted. Nor is there any record of outcomes.