Baby albatross born in Hawaii

This video from Hawaii is called Kialoa first day, Laysan Albatross Cam, 28 January, 2016.

The Cornell Lab of Ornithology in the USA says about it:

Welcome, Baby Kialoa!

The first chick of the season on the Laysan Albatross Cam completed hatching on the morning of January 28. Our volunteer camera operators caught a glimpse of the downy chick under its dad, Ikaika (video above …). The female, Mokihana, is away feeding at sea, but we hope to see her return soon to take over brooding duty and meet her newly hatched chick.

The chick was named Kialoa by a Native Hawaiian scientist. Kialoa means “long, light / swift canoe,” and was named after the amazing long-distance voyaging Hawaiian canoes that so aptly mimic the long-distance foraging flights of these graceful seabirds.

Albatrosses interact with natural elements in ways we aspire to when sailing – wings as sails, body as a canoe, built-in compass, and long-distance mentality. All three chicks expected to hatch on this site will be named in honor of the Mālama Honua Worldwide Voyage.

Over the next few days, one of the parents will constantly brood the chick, keeping it warm under his or her feathers. It will be fed on dense stomach oil and partially digested food regurgitated from the parent’s belly. Keep watching the cam here to follow Kialoa’s progress!

4 thoughts on “Baby albatross born in Hawaii

  1. Pingback: Laysan albatross chick gets breakfast, video | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Baby albatross fed, video | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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