3 Day Quote Challenge, thanks again Erika!

3 Day Quote Challenge

Erika of the blog Author Erika Kind has been so kind to nominate this blog for the
3 Day Quote Challenge.

Thanks for this gesture, my dear blogging friend!

Rules of the Three-Day Quote Challenge:

Thank the blogger who nominated you.
Publish 3 quotes on 3 consecutive days in your blog. It can be your own, or from a book, movie or from anyone who inspires you.
Nominate 3 more bloggers to carry on this endeavour.

My quote for today, the second day of the challenge, is a long quote. It is the final part of a favourite film of mine.

This video is called The Great Dictator (1940) – Charlie Chaplin – Final Speech.

The text of that final speech is here.

My three nominees for today are:

1. Առլեն Շահվերդյան. հեղինակային բլոգ-կայք

2. Tish Farrell

3. Kintal +

16 thoughts on “3 Day Quote Challenge, thanks again Erika!

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