Creative Blogger Award, thank you Aquileana!

Creative Blogger Award

Aquileana of the blog La Audacia de Aquiles has been so kind to nominate Dear Kitty. Some Blog for the Creative Blogger Award.

Thanks for your generosity, dear blogging friend!

Here are the Creative Blogger Award rules as named by Aquileana:

* Display the Creative Blogger Award logo on your blog
* Nominate 10 blogs and notify all nominees via their social media/blogs
* Thank and post the link of the blog that nominated you (very important)
* Pass these rules on to them

My nominees are:

1. Tuyet Lu “Cachet”

2. Canewielder

3. science136

4. Miss Ayo Délé Max

5. Sasson Hann

6. League of Bloggers For a Better World

7. Eléctrica in the Desert

8. Author Erika Kind

9. Klarinet

10. greeneyedchess

39 thoughts on “Creative Blogger Award, thank you Aquileana!

  1. Congratulations on that award, Kitty! Thank you so much for considering me under your nominees! Looks like the rules got simplyfied! So I will do it for sure today!!! Thank you once again from my heart 😀


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