British goverment endangers bees

This video from the USA says about itself:

The Waggle Dance of the Honeybee

2 February 2011

How can honeybees communicate the locations of new food sources? Austrian biologist, Karl Von Frisch, devised an experiment to find out! By pairing the direction of the sun with the flow of gravity, honeybees are able to explain the distant locations of food by dancing. “The Waggle Dance of the Honeybee” details the design of Von Frisch’s famous experiment and explains the precise grammar of the honeybees dance language with high quality visualizations.

This video is a design documentary, developed by scientists at Georgia Tech’s College of Computing in order to better understand and share with others, the complex behaviors that can arise in social insects. Their goal at the Multi-Agent Robotics and Systems (MARS) Laboratory is to harness new computer vision techniques to accelerate biologists’ research in animal behavior. This behavioral research is then used, in turn, to design better systems of autonomous robots.

By Peter Frost in Britain:

The bee under Frosty’s bonnet

Friday 11th September 2015

PETER FROST reports on how a relentless and secret lobbying of the Tory government by agribusiness has brought a banned bee-killing poison back to our countryside

Do you remember that once David Cameron promised that his government would be the greenest ever? Well that is just one more velvet glove that has been discarded to reveal yet another Tory iron fist.

Cameron’s Tory government along with its most un-green minister to destroy the environment Liz Truss has caved in to pressure from the agrochemical farming lobby and agreed to let bee-harming pesticides back into British fields this autumn.

Truss and her team at Defra have ignored the overwhelming science showing that neonicotinoids harm honeybees, bumblebees and many other pollinators and beneficial insects.

After months of secrecy the government has agreed to allow farmers — in some parts of England — to plant seeds treated with neonicotinoid pesticides. They claim it is only a temporary measure but in fact it is much more likely to become permanent and nationwide.

Friends of the Earth bees’ campaigner Paul de Zylva told the Morning Star: “It’s scandalous that the government has caved in to National Farmers Union (NFU) pressure and given permission for some farmers to use banned pesticides that have been shown to harm our precious bees.

“Ever more scientific evidence shows just how dangerous these chemicals are to bees and other pollinators — they should have no place in our fields and gardens.”

Dr Lynn Dicks of the University of Cambridge confirms this: “We now have robust evidence that neonicotinoids have a serious impact on free-living bumblebee colonies in real farmed landscapes.”

The government has been negotiating with agrochemical industry in secret. It continues to refuse to make publicly available the NFU application and even suppressed the notes of its expert advisers’ meeting.

Public pressure finally got these released and published but surprise, surprise they say nothing about the alleged scientific basis for the decision.

Truss and other ministers promised that decisions would be science-based. But how can we believe them if the secrecy continues?

The government tell us that this use of chemicals is only a limited and temporary permission for one crop in a particular areas of the country, but we know the NFU continues to lobby for the extension of use for these poisons that we know kill bees.

These neonicotinoids are banned all over the EU and there’s more than enough evidence to make the ban permanent here in Britain.

For instance the ingredient allowed under this change of mind by Truss and the government — clothianidin — was tested in the recent study. It showed that bumblebees in landscapes with clothianidin-treated oilseed rape produced only a third as many queens as those in landscapes treated with other — non neonicotinoid — insecticides.

The NFU and the industrial farming lobby continue their campaign to get the ban lifted all across the country. Commercial beekeepers are deeply worried both about crop pollination and honey production.

Public pressure, protest demonstrations, online petitions have all shown the government that most people are totally opposed to industrial farming lobby and their poison sprays.

The lack of government transparency shows how much pressure it has been under from members of the public who are totally opposed to the use of neonicotinoids.

8 thoughts on “British goverment endangers bees

  1. The British government is not a government but a culture of historical oppression and is recalcitrant unable to move with the times that oppressive militancy and a police state is not the answer to today’s problems, as one can see institutes such as the monarchy belongs to a antiquated historical past that any intelligent person can see its limitations, those who are deeply entrenched in fear are not the people to guide us in to a future of hope and prosperity, the only answer they have is platitudes for a better world and the offering they can make in any sense of a reality is propaganda from the media which is for the decadent elite and as such is all meshed into being all part of this elite can only promise and become a dismal and negative fate of ill health for people and a steady unrelenting decline of destruction for the planet.


  2. Pingback: British goverment endangers bees | Gaia Gazette

  3. Chilled, glued, tagged: Innovative long range bee tracking technology could help scientists reverse bee decline

    The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew is working in collaboration with the Newcastle tech company, Tumbling Dice Ltd, to trial a 4.8mm x 8mm sized microchip that can be glued to bees to track their movements in the landscape. The reading distance of the new miniaturised radio frequency identification (RFID) tags is far superior to anything else on the market – enabling Kew’s researchers to detect tagged bees up to a 1.2m diameter from a detecting unit.

    Small tagging devices currently available only allow bees to be detected at distances of up to 1cm once they exit or return to their hives. Once successfully trialled, the new technology will help scientists to track bees between flower patches in the landscape, providing new insights into the threats facing bee populations and the important pollination services they provide – such as the largely unknown impacts of habitat fragmentation and pesticides.

    The new technology, developed by Tumbling Dice Ltd, was trialled by Kew scientist Dr Sarah Barlow on bumblebees in Kew’s Quarantine House (which is behind the scenes at Kew). A purpose built compartment inside the glass house had a bee proof screen with detection devices. Each RFID tag emits a unique signal to identify individual insects that are picked up by a detector unit. The technology’s application in the wild could see a network of field-deployed detectors positioned within patches of flowers dotted around the landscape to track the distances and paths of tagged bees. This approach to tracking insects has never been attempted before because of the minute detection range of current lightweight tags which are too small to detect arbitrary bee movements in the landscape.

    The RFID tags were glued to the bees’ backs using standard superglue. Before the tags were attached the bees were chilled for approximately 10 minutes to make them more docile, the tag is then glued onto their bodies with tweezers.

    Dr Sarah Barlow says, “Although tracking technologies exist they are limited by size, range and reliability and until now, tags with mid to long range detection were too large to be carried by honeybees and worker bumblebees and have been used on larger insects and birds.

    “These tags are a big step forward in radio technology and no-one has a decent medium to long range tag yet that is suitable for flying on small insects. This new technology will open up possibilities for scientists to track bees in the landscape. This piece of the puzzle, of bee behaviour, is absolutely vital if we are to understand better why our bees are struggling and how we can reverse their decline.”

    This technology could also be used, for example, to study the movements of alien insect pests that have dramatic impacts on native flora and fauna and cause serious economic losses to farmers every year. By understanding the requirements of these pests we will be better able to devise control strategies. These are just a few timely examples of how, with the use of the new technology, studying insect movement has wider reaching consequences for understanding the world around us.


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