Children’s story about bats

This video is called Fun Facts About Bats.

From the site of NASA in the USA, where the story continues:

THE STORY OF Echo the Bat

In the upper elevations of Arizona, there was a forest of tall Ponderosa pine trees. The forest was covered with snow and the evenings were quiet as animals slept through the cold winter nights. When spring arrived, the snow melted and a colony of female bats made their home in a hollow pine tree to raise their young.

Echo and his mom hang upside down safe in their tree. Echo is under his mom’s wings. There is a crescent moon outside.

Unlike birds who hatch from eggs, bats are mammals. The mother bats will give birth to their young and feed them mother’s milk. Because their pups are too young to fly and catch their food, Mother bats care for their pups during the first month.

As the warm days of spring led to summer, a baby bat was born. He had a tiny, furry body with awkward wings. His mother held him close to her and wrapped him in her wings. All day long, she could hear his chirping cry echo through the hollow tree. From that day on, his mother called him “Echo.”

5 thoughts on “Children’s story about bats

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