Monitoring Mediterranean Lesser Crested Terns (Thalasseus bengalensis emigratus) in Libya

This video from Australia says about itself:

Lesser Crested Tern (Sterna bengalensis)

Filmed at Manly Marina, SE Queensland, Sept 1996 using Canon EX1Hi8 & Sigma 400mm lens. With Pied Oystercatchers, Crested Terns, Caspian Terns and Silver Gulls.

I myself have fond memories of little terns over the harbour in Benghazi in Libya.

There should be more good news like this from Libya, instead of all the bad news of bloodshed for oil.

North African Birds

RAC/SPA-UNEP/MAP, 2014. Monitoring Mediterranean Lesser Crested Terns Thalasseus bengalensis emigratus. By Baccetti N. and Zenatello M. (Ed.), RAC.SPA, Tunis. 26p + Appendices. PDF


The Mediterranean Lesser Crested Terns, Thalasseus bengalensis emigratus, is a Mediterranean endemic seabird, potentially vulnerable to many sources of threat. In 2012, within the framework of the MedMPAnet Project, a study was conducted on this species in Libya, especially in Garah, a potential future MPA where the largest fraction of the seabird global population is concentrated.

Actions and methods are described to monitor the breeding population of the Mediterranean Lesser Crested Tern, which is currently confined to Libya. The aim is providing a tool which will allow a coherent and safe approach to a population of extremely high conservation value, which is potentially vulnerable to many sources of threat, not least monitoring itself.

Assessing changes in population size, distribution and breeding success is crucial…

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5 thoughts on “Monitoring Mediterranean Lesser Crested Terns (Thalasseus bengalensis emigratus) in Libya

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