Innocent prisoner still in Guantanamo torture camp

This video from the Center for Constitutional Rights in the USA says about itself:

Waiting for Fahd: One Family’s Hope for Life Beyond Guantánamo

2 December 2014

Share the film with everyone you know:, with #FreeFahd.

The heartrending documentary “Waiting for Fahd,” tells the story of CCR client Fahd Ghazy, a Yemeni national unlawfully detained at Guantánamo since he was 17 and who is now 30. Through moving interviews with his beloved family in Yemen, “Waiting for Fahd” paints a vivid portrait of the life that awaits a man who, despite being twice cleared for release, continues to languish at Guantánamo, denied his home, his livelihood, and his loved ones because of his nationality.

Stand in solidarity with Fahd by taking a photograph of yourself holding a #FreeFahd sign and upload it to our Tumblr page,

Plan a screening of the film in your town, at your school, your church/mosque/synagogue, your home – wherever you are. Contact CCR for a DVD copy and our screening toolkit. Please note whether you would like the Arabic version of the film and advocacy materials.

Educate yourself, and your family, friends and neighbors about the human rights disgrace that is Guantánamo. Visit for resources, more information about CCR’s work to end indefinite detention and close Guantánamo, and profiles of our other clients.