Missouri Michael Brown solidarity march

This video is about a Ferguson solidarity rally in London, England.

From Missourinet in the USA:

NAACP Organizes March to Missouri’s Capital

11/27/2014 02:36 PM

FERGUSON, Mo.– Preparations are being made for the NAACP’s upcoming 120 mile, 7 day march entitled “Journey for Justice: Ferguson to Jefferson City.” The march is in response to the grand jury decision not to indict Darren Wilson for the shooting of Michael Brown Jr.

It includes members of the Youth and College division along with senior and youth organizations.

The march starts on Saturday, November 29th at 7am near the Canfield Green Apartments where Michael Brown Jr. was shot and will end Saturday, December 6th at the Governor’s Mansion.

Marchers are directing the call for new leadership in the Ferguson police department and new reforms of police practice and culture to elected officials in Missouri and across the United States.

Teachings and rallies will be held on the evenings of the march and will be open to the public.

NAACP says the event will be peaceful.

“You cannot honor Michael Brown as the victim of violence, with more violence,” said NAACP President Cornell William Brooks.

Organizers say they are drawing inspiration from the historic Selma to Montgomery march. In 1965, Martin Luther King led thousands of nonviolent demonstrators to the steps of the capitol in Alabama in response to the shooting of Jimmie Lee Jackson by a state trooper.

“Here we are 50 years later taking on the fight of and the battle against racial profiling and unjust policing in our communities” said Brooks.

The “Journey for Justice: Ferguson to Jefferson City” march will take place along this route.

(Kyle Loethen, Missourinet)

Protests erupted across the US at the news that Darren Wilson, the white cop who shot 18 year old Michael Brown dead in Ferguson, St Louis, in August will not face trial: here.

St Louis activists interrupt Black Friday shopping to stage Michael Brown protest: here.