Did British politicians abuse, kill children in 1979?

This video from Britain says about itself:

25 October 2012

UK MP Tom Watson bringing intelligence gathered through the conviction of a paedophile, which linked a senior aide to a former British prime minister to a powerful paedophile ring, to the attention of the PM and parliament, seeking further investigation and pursuit of truth.

From daily The Independent in Britain:

‘Kidnapped boy may have been abused and murdered by VIP paedophile ring,’ say police

Martin Allen went missing aged 15 while on his way home in 1979

Lamiat Sabin

Wednesday 26 November 2014

The family of a missing boy have been told by police that he may have been abducted, abused and murdered by a paedophile ring of leading establishment figures.

Martin Allen, the son of the chauffeur of a Australian high commissioner, went missing aged 15 from King’s Cross on his way to home in Kensington in November 1979.

His brother Kevin, 51, has said he was called by Detective Chief Inspector Diane Tudway of the Metropolitan Police on Friday, who told him she was investigating whether Martin’s disappearance is linked to an alleged ring made up of MPs and senior figures of authority.

Operation Midland, the investigation into the deaths, was set up this month and officers said that Operation Fairbank intelligence has led them to look into whether high-profile officials were involved in organised child sex abuse and murder in the 1970s and 1980s at locations including the Elm Guest House in Barnes, southwest London.

A man only known as Nick, who is in his 40s, claims he was raped by a former Conservative MP and alleges that he saw three boys being murdered. He said one was deliberately run over, a second was strangled by a Conservative MP and the third was killed in front of a government minister. All of the boys were aged between 10 and 14, Nick said.

He had said: “We were asked if we wanted a drink. It was always whisky. Both MPs were brutal. I was raped over a bath-tub while my head was beneath the water.”

The case of Martin Allen’s disappearance was closed in the 1980s, but reopened in 2009 and shut again last year. Mr Allen and his brother, Jeffrey, 61, said that police claimed in 2009 that files has been destroyed by a flood.

“We had to give evidence over again to the police,” Mr Allen said. “But then later, when the case was still open, the two detectives on it told us that a retired police officer had withdrawn the files and gone to Spain.

“They said they had tried to get a warrant to question the officer but couldn’t get it from the Spanish authorities. You don’t know what to believe.”

Jeffrey Allen said the detective who led the case in 1979 had told his family that there were “high-up people involved” and that they should stop talking and “not take it further because someone will get hurt”.

Read more:

Tory MP ‘strangled boy to death’ at sex abuse party, victim claims
‘Child abuse list includes 10 MPs and peers’
MP will name politician ‘involved in child abuse’

Kevin Allen told the Mirror: “I’ve no faith in the police. They failed us.

“Within a couple of months of Martin disappearing, my ­father and I said, ‘There’s something not right here.’ Police weren’t doing enough. They went through the motions.

“So it didn’t surprise me when a senior officer warned me I could get hurt. I’ve always said there was something, Establishment involvement, in Martin’s disappearance.”

The Met said it could not comment on the allegations.

Last week Vishambar Mehrotra, an ex-magistrate and father of Vishal, eight, who was murdered in 1981, said he was called by a male prostitute who claimed that the boy had been taken to the guest house to be abused.

Mr Mehrotra said he had given police a tape recording of the phone call soon after the conversation in 1981 but officers refused to investigate.

11 thoughts on “Did British politicians abuse, kill children in 1979?

  1. The allegations are so serious it becomes mysterious as to why the silence? if as seemingly possible the police are culpable, many would fear becoming potential murder victims, the police here I refer to the MI5 and 6, would have no shortage of those who would perform the task, ex-military, in particular those on active service overseas, having killed many, such as Afghanistan’s, now hardened criminals can be called upon and now recruited by police, to do the dirty work, having been indoctrinated by the system, and further more having a track record of serious crime, are in no position to refuse pressure to kill, they are not the sort of people that you or I would know, although those who have had varied experience, may well remember the few, who do not fit into any category are strange enough and some may recall as potential killers, I remember well a individual who came to a flat I was living at, and entered my premises and threatened me with a axe, who he was I know not, this is in the 1960’s, something about insanity worth thinking about is, a substantial people are mad, the fact that they can hold a job, or are able to perform skilled or semi skilled work, is no sign that they are not dangerous people, these sort of people can operate within the police or those able to hold a job down such as politicians.


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