Spoon-billed sandpiper news from China

This video is called Spoon-billed Sandpiper: Courtship.

From the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) today:

Good and bad spoony news from WWT’s Rich Hearn and the rest of the survey team out in China…

Happily they’ve spotted many a Spoon-billed sandpiper out on the mudflats north of Shanghai. As many as 142 on one day! Many of these were marked birds – including hand-reared ones … . This gives us more confidence that hand-reared birds can survive and migrate successfully like their wild cousins.

The area is obviously a key feeding ground for spoonies but it’s no safe paradise. Some dead and dying waders have been seen – no dead spoonies for now at least but it may just be a matter of time…

More tales from the mudflats soon but read more here in the meantime.