Michael Brown killed, other police violence

This video from New York City in the USA says about itself:

31 July 2014

Broadway Stars Gather In Times Square To Send A Message About Police Violence & Eric Garner

Broadway unites to protest police violence and honor Eric Garner

Furious Broadway artists flash mob Times Square in respect for life and change

Broadway stars, directors, producers, musicians, choreographers, designers and technicians from some of the most prominent productions gathered in front of the police station in Times Square on Tuesday. They wanted to send a message about police violence and the killing of Eric Garner.

In the YouTube video 100 people wearing black T-shirts harmonized in a solemn hum while poet Daniel J. Watts recited a fiery poem entitled I Can’t Breathe — a reference to Garner’s fateful encounter with police.

On July 17th, Garner, a 43-year-old Staten Island man was confronted by police for allegedly selling untaxed cigarettes. The police tried to handcuff Garner but when he refused they placed him in a chokehold. The incident was captured by an onlooker’s cell phone camera. The father of six can be heard telling police repeatedly that he could not breathe. However, the police officers ignored his plea. Garner died on the scene.

The incident has sparked national outrage. The NYPD has taken disciplinary actions against the two officers involved and four EMS workers have been suspended without pay for not providing medical aid to Garner at the scene.

Broadway’s protest was organized by Brandon Victor Dixon, who most recently played lead in Motown The Musical and his WalkRunFly Productions business partner Warren Allen who is a choreographer.

“There are days when I sometimes question this thing we do call ART. However, yesterday once again reminded me why I do this. This community is about more than just entertainment. We have to shine a light on these issues otherwise we will continue to see and hear about the Fruitvale Stations, Amadou Diallos and the Eric Garners of the world” Allen says.

Over 100 Broadway stars, directors, producers, musicians, choreographers, designers and technicians from some of the most prominent productions gathered in front of the police station in Times Square on Tuesday. They wanted to send a message about police violence and the killing of Eric Garner with a poem titled “I Can’t Breathe” (R.I.P. Eric Garner)

Staten Island man dies after NYPD cop puts him in chokehold

A 400-pound asthmatic Staten Island dad died Thursday after a cop put him in a chokehold and other officers appeared to slam his head against the sidewalk, video of the incident shows.

“Eric Garner was murdered for selling cigarettes”. Thousands march in New York City against police violence: here.

LAPD officers ignored pleas from dying asthmatic arrestee. In September of 2013, Los Angeles police arrested 26-year-old Jorge Azucena after he drove through a red light and led them on a short pursuit. Details of the incident are included in a recently released report by the Los Angeles Police Commission: here.

Australia: World Socialist Web Site reporters spoke with students, workers and youth in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane last weekend about the execution-style killing of unarmed teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. Many relayed their own experiences of police brutality and linked it to the growth of poverty and social problems: here.

Mike Brown’s shooting and Jim Crow lynchings have too much in common. It’s time for America to own up: here.

MICHAEL BROWN’S FUNERAL IS TODAY “On the eve of Michael Brown’s funeral Monday, the teen’s parents saw their son for the first time since his death and tried to prepare for a burial that will test their strength. At noon Sunday, about 100 family members and friends gathered for a private viewing of Brown’s body at Austin A. Layne Mortuary. They gazed at Brown, who lay with his arms crossed in a gold and black casket. He wore a blue-and-white-checked shirt, a navy blue sweater vest and a neatly tied red-and-blue-striped bow tie. He showed no sign of the gunshots that ended his life Aug. 9.” Michael Brown’s father asked for a “day of silence” to mark his son’s funeral. And here’s how you can make sure “Ferguson remains a part of the national conversation.” [Story via USA Today]

7 thoughts on “Michael Brown killed, other police violence

  1. Pingback: After Michael Brown’s death, still more Ferguson, USA police militarisation | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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  5. Pingback: Michael Brown, Eric Garner protests all over the world | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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