Millions of sharks killed for cosmetics and ‘wellness’ corporate quackery

This video from the USA says about itself:

4 August 2013

So many things you think you know about sharks are WRONG! Anthony and Laci team up to debunk three common myths about these toothy predators.

This morning an item about killing sharks on Vroege Vogels radio in the Netherlands. They interviewed Lida Pet, a WWF researcher.

On the one hand, at last killing sharks for shark fin soup, mainly in Asia, is declining.

On the other hand, millions of sharks are still killed for shark oil and shark cartilage used in cosmetics, eg for hair and nails, and ´wellness´ products like glucosamine pills. These products are sold in drugstores in countries like the USA and the Netherlands.

Even pills for cats may contain dead sharks´ parts.

By the way, the supposed ´health´ effects of shark cartilage are quackery.

Many shark species are butchered for this quackery, from relatively small species to the big whale shark.

The increasing acidification of ocean waters caused by rising atmospheric carbon dioxide levels could rob sharks of their ability to sense the smell of food, a new study suggests: here.

Researchers from the University’s multidisciplinary Charles Perkins Centre and Faculty of Pharmacy reviewed 35 published academic studies of so-called ‘spin’ in biomedical scientific papers — also known as ‘science hype’: here.

20 thoughts on “Millions of sharks killed for cosmetics and ‘wellness’ corporate quackery

  1. Government, is not interested in the consumer interests, they are resistant to clear labeling, government priority or prejudice, is to protect companies for the benefit of making money from taxing the company, the consumer is marginalized if not, treated with a condescending attitude, the only concern of politicians has for consumers, is their vote.


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