Stop British government deporting bisexual refugee

This video from Britain is about refugee Orashia Edwards.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

Asylum seeker threatened with deportation before judicial review

Tuesday 24th June 2014

IMMIGRATION officials are attempting to deport a Leeds asylum-seeker a week before a judicial review of his case is held.

Campaigners in the city have rallied to support Orashia Edwards, 32, a Jamaican who fled his own country after being persecuted for being bisexual.

He settled in Leeds and applied for asylum. He has won many friends and carried out campaigning work in the city.

But asylum has been refused. He was arrested on June 12 and granted bail. The judicial review has been set for July 9 but Mr Edwards has been issued with “removal directions” for July 2.

Leeds No Borders group has mounted regular protests and demonstrations in his support and is urging campaigners to take action, including by protesting to British Airways. Details are available on the Leeds No Borders website.

The next protest against Mr Edwards’s deportation will be held outside Leeds town hall at 4.30pm on Thursday.

GAY, lesbian, bi and transsexual activists condemned “Ukipisation” of British politics yesterday as they kicked off a campaign against migrant discrimination: here.

17 thoughts on “Stop British government deporting bisexual refugee

  1. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    “Campaigners in the city have rallied to support Orashia Edwards, 32, a Jamaican who fled his own country after being persecuted for being bisexual.” …. why?? There’s persecution in his country …. WHY??


    • My dad is jamaican, I have spent a lot of time over there, and as much as I love been over there. Things like this does happy it’s just unlike some countrys they don’t say it out loud. So for this man to go on tv and say he is bisexual it must be true cause trust me when I say no man from jamaica would come out and say he’s gay/bisexual if it was not true cause when that come out people will be after him, so u can’t make him go back there now cause he will be killed!. Out of a lot of people that come england and don’t want to leave him out of most should be given the chance to start a new life be able to be him self with out be scared of who he is. LET ORASHIA EDWARDS STAY IN ENGLAND!!!!!!


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