New Zealand will ban shark finning

This video says about itself:

Over 73 Million Sharks Killed Every Year for Fins

23 September 2010

Scientists are alarmed at the rate sharks are dissappearing from the oceans. Some estimate that 90 percent of the largest sharks have been wiped out. The lack of these apex predators is altering the ocean’s ecoscape.

From Wildlife Extra:

New Zealand to speed up its shark-finning ban

New Zealand’s proposed ban on all shark finning is to be brought forward two years earlier than previously planned, to October 2014 the Government has said.

“We announced a ban on shark finning earlier this year that would phase in the ban by October 2016, but in response to consultations we now believe it is possible to implement a ban in October 2014,” said Conservation Minister Dr Nick Smith “This is good news and builds on New Zealand’s strong reputation for sustainability and protecting our natural environment. Sharks are an important part of the marine ecosystem and we need to ensure the 113 species of shark in our waters survive.”

In January it was announced that the ban would be in three stages, with the first tranche of shark species being protected by the shark finning ban from 1 October 2014, a second tranche from 1 October 2015, and that only the highly migratory blue sharks would be left until 1 October 2016.

Primary Industries Minister Nathan Guy said. “Ending shark finning was always going to present practical challenges for the fishing industry, and there was a need to give them time to adjust. I’m very pleased that the industry has risen to that challenge, and worked with MPI, DOC and other stakeholders to look at options for a more rapid implementation of the ban.

“It’s important to note that it is already an offence under the Animal Welfare Act to fin a shark and return it to the sea alive. Under the extended ban, it will also become illegal to catch a shark, kill it, remove its fins and dump the carcass at sea.”

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4 thoughts on “New Zealand will ban shark finning

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