Bahraini international footballer gets ten years jail in show trial

This video says about itself:

Bahrain Backlash: Doctors on trial for helping protesters

Amid ongoing unrest in Bahrain, the regime’s cracking down on non-violent protesters, as well as people who’ve been helping them. A group of doctors are on trial, after treating wounded anti-government demonstrators last year. RT’s Paula Slier has the latest.

Correspondent with Global Research Finian Cunningham was in Bahrain and witnessed some of the doctors treating the wounded during the crackdown. He thinks the Bahraini regime is persecuting the medics to keep them from telling the truth.

From Associated Press:

Bahrain sentences soccer player to 10 years prison

January 7

MANAMA, Bahrain — The defense lawyer of a player for Bahrain’s national soccer team says his client has been sentenced along with eight others to 10 years in prison on charges of burning a police station.

Lawyer Mohamed el-Motawa says the nine were also found guilty of participating in an illegal gathering and possessing firebombs.

El-Motawa says 20-year-old Hakeem el-Oraybi was playing in a televised match when the November 2012 incident took place in which dozens of Shiite protesters attacked a police station in the capital, Manama. El-Oraybi was detained for four months after the attack.

Bahraini Shiites are demanding greater rights from the Gulf Arab nation’s Sunni rulers.

El-Oraybi is currently in neighboring Qatar with the Bahraini team for a match. His lawyer said Tuesday el-Oraybi will likely be arrested upon return.

Washington, D.C. – Following today’s news that the Bahraini government is suspending the National Dialogue reconciliation talks, Human Rights First’s Brian Dooley issued the following statement: “The suspension of the National Dialogue in Bahrain should serve a starting point for real negotiations with the opposition movement. The National Dialogue, which excluded key imprisoned opposition leaders, was unable to provide solutions to Bahrain’s human rights crisis. It is time for real political talks involving these activists who are currently in prison”: here.

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21 thoughts on “Bahraini international footballer gets ten years jail in show trial

    • Definitely, Barbara!

      Maybe this happens sometimes to doctors in other countries as well, but Bahrain is the only country I know for sure about it.

      Thanks fopr reblogging!


  1. Bahrain Kingdom Suspends Talks with Opposition

    Manama, Jan 9 (Prensa Latina) The Kingdom of Bahrain has suspended a national dialogue that began 11 months ago and had been boycotted by several parties in protest against official repression.

    The talks were suspended due to “the absence and withdrawal of a party that was invited to take part in the dialogue,” an official communiqué stated shortly after eight Sunni associations announced that they too would suspend their participation in the talks because of “government stances that show their lack of willingness to discuss matters on the agenda” leading to “fruitless” dialogue sessions.

    Official sources have blamed the Shiite majority community of organizing the protests, however opposition media argue that demands for more democracy and measures to fight poverty have nothing to do with a sectarian agenda.

    In September, the Islamic organization Al-Wefaq pulled out of the national reconciliation talks after prominent Shiite ex-MP Khalil Marzooq was arrested on charges of inciting terrorism.

    Since then, dozens of Al-Wefaq members have been condemned to harsh prison sentences for participating in public demonstrations against the monarchy, and dozens of people have been killed in anti-government demonstrations that began in February 2011.



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