British newts in a dog bowl

This video is about smooth newts (Lissotriton vulgaris).

From Wildlife Extra:

Odd location for wildlife – More newts in a dog bowl again

Smooth and palmate newts appear in a dog bowl!

October 2013. The Wildlife Extra office is near a large pond, and there is plenty of wildlife in and around that pond, but we were taken aback in August when two small, immature newts appeared in the dog’s water bowl that sits outside our front door. We relocated the newts to the edge of the pond, but 2 months later, we now have 4 small newts in the dog bowl, apparently 3 palmate newts and a smooth newt.

Newts actually spend much of their year on dry land, so it isn’t unusual to see them away from the pond, but how and why they ended up in the dog’s water bowl is a mystery.

Even more surprising, it appears that they are two different types of newt; a smooth newt and a palmate newt! Once we had taken a couple of pictures, we released the newts back into the wild (before a dog could drink them.).

This video from Britain is called Palmate Newt displaying to a female.

10 thoughts on “British newts in a dog bowl

  1. Pingback: British butterflies early this spring | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Smooth newt looking for leaves, video | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  3. Pingback: Smooth newt males ready for mating season | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  4. Last month/Oct, found two swimming in one of our dog bowls, still do not know if they were there for the water, or do newts like the residue of dog food?. A few weeks before there was a young frog in the water, I was surprised to see a young one so late in the season.


  5. Pingback: Newts and fungi in botanical garden | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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