India bans shark finning

This video is called Over 73 Million Sharks Killed Every Year for Fins.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

Government bans ‘shark finning

INDIA: The government banned hunting sharks for only their fins today to protect endangered species.

The practice of shark “finning,” or slicing off a shark’s fins and throwing it back to die slowly on the ocean floor, has exploded worldwide thanks to demand from China, where shark fin soup is considered a delicacy.

The Environment Ministry said fishermen found with detached fins now face up to seven years in prison.

Seized shark fins dumped in Pacific ceremony: here.

November 2013: Unscrupulous shark-finners now bring ashore shark fins attached to their skeleton in order to get around the ban on finning at sea that most countries have now adopted, which states the fins of the shark must be ‘naturally attached’ to the body. This move to strip it of its bulky flesh and just leave it flimsily attached to its spinal cord means that, like before, the finners can still fill their boats with hundreds of fins: here.

Have We Saved the Sharks? Reports of dramatic declines in shark fin soup consumption may be too good to be true: here.

18 thoughts on “India bans shark finning

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