G4S mercenaries prosecuted for killing refugee

This video is called G4S Privatisation of the Police.

By Paddy McGuffin in Britain:

Prosecutors review Mubenga decision

Tuesday 09 July 2013

Prosecutors are to review their decision not to bring charges against three G4S guards over the death of a man they were deporting after an inquest found today that he had been unlawfully killed.

Father-of-five Jimmy Mubenga collapsed and died after he was forcibly restrained aboard a flight at Heathrow in October 2010 that was supposed to be returning him to Angola.

The inquest said he died from cardio-respiratory collapse.

Other passengers said they heard Mr Mubenga crying for help and saying he could not breathe, one of the guards apparently replied: “Yes, you can.”

The inquest jury at Isleworth Crown Court in west London recorded a majority verdict of nine to one of unlawful killing.

Delivering the verdict, the jury foreman said: “Based on the evidence we have heard, we have found Mr Mubenga was pushed or held down by one or more of the guards.

“We find that this was unreasonable force.

“The guards would have known that they would have caused harm to Mr Mubenga, if not serious harm.”

A Crown Prosecution Service spokesman said the body would reconsider the original decision “in light of any new evidence or information from the inquest, including any conclusions reached by the jury.”

Mr Mubenga’s widow Adrienne Makenda Kambana told reporters outside the court that her husband had been treated “worse than an animal.”

“What the witnesses said, they heard Jimmy asking for help. Nobody helped him.

“Jimmy should be here, but because he didn’t get help, that’s why he’s not here.”

Campaign group Inquest co-director Deborah Coles said: “Mr Mubenga met a horrific death at the hands of those who were charged with his care.

“The responsibility rests ultimately with the Home Office which devolved coercive powers without effective oversight and itself sat by while a culture of racism prevailed and the dangerous restraint of deportees became institutionalised.”