Very Inspiring Blogger Award, thanks Arlen!


After all the bloggers who were so kind to nominate Dear Kitty. Some blog for awards, now another award.

Thank so very much Arlen Shahverdyan,  for nominating me for the Very Inspiring Blogger award!

Arlen’s beautiful blog, in Armenian and English, is about wildlife, visual arts, poetry and other subjects.

The rules are to thank and link back to the blogger which has nominated you, then post the award logo to your blog, write a post on the nomination and nominate 15 other very inspiring bloggers. Notify them; and tell 7 things about yourself.

Seven things about myself:

1. I have two pages on my blog, About; and Frequently Asked Questions.

2. I may make more pages when I will have time, like an Awards page.

3.  741 people follow this blog now. 730 by; 11 by Email.

4. I have 1,315 tags at my blog now. And growing fast …

5. I have forty categories at my blog; that probably won’t change much.

6. In my category Animals, all sub-categories included, there are 6,366 blog posts,.

7. This morning, on the snow on the doormat on the balcony, a bird’s footprints. Maybe a blackbird, judging from the size.

Here come my fifteen nominees:


2. The Accidental Birder

3. rabirius

4. Reshu Malhotra

5. Geoff shoots the world

6. notesfromcamelidcountry

7. Googsy Photography

8. Ichthyosaurs: a day in the life…

9. See Norway – Se Norge

10. Serenity

11. My Finnish Life

12. Scott Marshall Photography (Scotland)

13. Mike Powell

14. traveleum

15. Nicola Anthony

62 thoughts on “Very Inspiring Blogger Award, thanks Arlen!

  1. Congratulations and thank you for your nomination! What an honor ! I am truly humbled by it! You truly deserve this award, my dear friend!


  2. Pingback: Archive of Comments | Առլեն Շահվերդյան. հեղինակային բլոգ-կայք

  3. Congratulations, my friend. With every post and every comment, your compassion for the global community shines brightly. You exemplify what is the best in humanity.

    “Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.”
    ― Dalai Lama XIV, The Art of Happiness


  4. Pingback: OVER DUE GRATITUDE… « khrystleraineduste

  5. Thank you for the nomination, an unexpected but lovely surprise when I woke up this morning. Reading your ‘seven thing about yourself’ you’ve achieved a huge amount…and its clear I have a long way to go yet.


  6. Pingback: I Have Been Nominated Again For the Very Inspiring Blogger Award « Serenity's Musings

  7. Congratulations and well deserved! Arlen is a true gem! I have seen a few of the nomination blogs and they are superb!! Cannot wait to check out the others 🙂


  8. Pingback: Michelle and the Versatile Blogger Award « Angies Grapevine

  9. Many Many congratulations to you , Wooow i must say 16,743 post is not an easy task, That’s a big big number.It shows your commitment towards your love for blogging. You truly have an inspiring blog and i am honored to have nominated by you.Thank you once again to nominate me for this inspiring blogger award.I just checked it, a bit late though but i am very much excited to see rest of your nomination’s.Thank you once again 😀


    • Thank you for this kind comment, Reshu!

      16,743 include my blog posts ever since 2005, first on Modblog, then on Blogsome, most of which I managed to save when I had to move to WordPress in December 2011.


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  12. Pingback: Beautiful Blogger Award, thanks Russell! | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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  25. Pingback: Liebster Blog Award, thanks supernova! | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  26. Pingback: Liebster Award, thanks Morrighan! | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  27. Pingback: Very Inspiring Blogger Award, thanks Verde Despertar! | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  28. Pingback: Thanks for tagging this blog, Carolyn! | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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