British anti-disabled police brutality

This video from Britain is called DWP disability protest.

By Will Stone in London, England:

Met accused of Department for Work and Pensions protest brutality

Sunday 02 September 2012

Police were accused today of viciously attacking disabled protesters who peacefully occupied the Department for Work and Pensions, fracturing a wheelchair user’s shoulder and breaking another’s chair.

Campaigners occupied the department’s building in Tothill Street, Westminster, on Friday before being joined by hundreds more, concluding a week-long protest against Atos Healthcare to coincide with the opening of the Paralympic Games.

Desperate Met officers formed a line to prevent further protesters entering the building while others negotiated the exit of those already inside.

They resorted to “excessive and unnecessary” force and begun pushing the crowd resulting in the fracture of wheelchair user Patrick Lynch’s shoulder, damaging another’s chair and breaking a man’s glasses, Disabled People Against Cuts claim.

Campaigners say that another protester was tipped out of his wheelchair.

Mr Lynch said: “The police officer involved was a thug and a bully, not fit to wear the uniform. If he hadn’t been in the police he would be facing charges of assault.”

Demonstrators then began chanting “We all live in a fascist regime” to the tune of the Beatles’ Yellow Submarine.

A 31-year-old man was arrested for breach of the peace and obstructing police.

He was taken into custody and has been bailed to return in late October.

DPAC spokeswoman Maud Wilkinson said: “What happened is regrettable.

“Taken in the context of the week of action this was an isolated incident. But disabled people will not stop organising and mobilising the resistance to the brutal attack on disabled people being perpetrated by the Con-Dem government.”

Those occupying the DWP foyer left voluntarily at the end of the protest and the demonstration ended without further incident.

Protesters rail against Atos: here.

Police in Brighton have been accused of “kettling” a group of demonstrators during this weekend’s Gay Pride event in the city: here.

Incidences of police brutality have risen rapidly in the UK in the last year. According to the statistics supplied by the police themselves, violence and deaths at the hands of police officers have both seen a marked increase: here.

USA: More than 20 years after the videotaped assault on Rodney King supposedly spurred reform in the Los Angeles Police Department, three videos have surfaced depicting beatings and death at the hands of the police: here.

7 thoughts on “British anti-disabled police brutality

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