Free Yemeni political prisoners

This 2011 video is called Yemeni Jail Joins Anti-Government Uprising.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

Sanaa marchers want activists to be freed

Sunday 29 July 2012

Thousands of Yemenis marched through the capital Sanaa yesterday, urging the authorities to expedite the release of 117 protesters arrested during the uprising against former president Ali Abdullah Saleh.

Organiser Fathi al-Baadani said the rally is also a protest against the government’s sluggishness to release the detainees despite an order to review their cases and set them free.

The delay is due to the fact that Saleh’s followers still hold influential security and military positions, Baadani claimed.

Many thousands had demonstrated on the Friday against the continuing role of relatives of ex-president Saleh in the police and armed forces.

Yemen Human Rights Minister Huriya Mashhour confirmed the number of detained protesters and added that others are also being held in unofficial detention centres.

Prime Minister Salem Mohammed Bassindwa has publicly expressed strong dissatisfaction over the lack of action to free the prisoners.

6 thoughts on “Free Yemeni political prisoners

  1. Soldiers charged for ministry attack

    YEMEN: Around 62 officers and soldiers loyal to ex-President Ali Abdullah Saleh’s son have been charged with resisting authorities and mutiny after trying to storm the Ministry of Defence.

    Spokesman General Ali al-Ubaidi said that the 62 will be referred to a military tribunal for joining a force of 200 in an attack on the ministry three days ago, where they clashed with Ministry’s guards leaving five dead.


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