Rich Bahrain royals make the poor poorer

The absolute monarchical regime in Bahrain does not just poison its subjects’ babies with tear gas.

It does not just torture and kill its subjects.

The Bahrain royal family are also among the richest people in the world; while many Bahrainis are poor.

This video says about itself:

Documentary about poverty in Bahrain, produced by the Bahrain Center for Human Rights, 2004. In Arabic with English subtitles.

The regime propaganda claims that the Bahraini economy as a whole is growing.

Still, the regime wants to make poor Bahrainis even poorer.

From TradeArabia today:

Bahrain plans to reduce ‘lavish spending’

Manama: 2 hours and 15 minutes ago

Bahrain must tighten its belt to reduce lavishness, rationalise spending and protect public money, His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa said.

Welfare spending will be trimmed substantially among a string of other measures, he said as he chaired a work meeting of the Cabinet.

A Turkish newspaper column (in English), about Turkish, United States, Sudanese, Saudi etc. governmental hypocrisy on Syria and Bahrain, is here.

United States Police Chief Timoney should donate his salary to Bahraini victims of noxious tear gas: here.

The Bahrain regime’s exploitation of South Asian workers: here.

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16 thoughts on “Rich Bahrain royals make the poor poorer

  1. Bahrain arrests Kuwaiti – Role in protests

    KUWAIT CITY, Feb 22: The Bahraini authorities have taken into custody a Kuwaiti youth for taking part in demonstrations in the capital Manama and the Island of Sutra several days ago, reports Al-Watan Arabic daily.
    According to Bahraini security sources the 18-year-old youth, identified only as A.G., was caught red-handed placing obstacles on the road to prevent police from reaching trouble spots.
    The Bahraini security authorities are said to have informed the Kuwaiti Embassy in Manama about the arrest of the suspect. The security authorities allege the youth was arrested for taking part in the demonstrations and helping others put up a road block.
    However, according to reliable sources the youth left for Bahrain with his mother to visit relatives. His mother claims the son was picked up by the security authorities when he went to have lunch with his relatives.
    He was allegedly picked from outside the house of his relatives. The mother also says her son was not involved in any demonstrations.
    The Bahraini authorities have begun investigations with the suspect. He is expected to be handed over to the Public Prosecutor along with other suspects.—Role-in-protests/Default.aspx


  2. Posted February 22, 2012

    Iowa man deported from Bahrain after protest, speaks in IC against U.S. drones

    IOWA CITY – Exactly one week ago, Brian Terrell was sitting in a police station in Bahrain, awaiting deportation for his participation in a nonviolent demonstration.

    Tonight, the Maloy, Iowa, resident spoke to more than 40 people at the Iowa City Public Library, 123 S. Linn St., about his experience and his opposition to the United States’ use of remotely controlled drones in airstrikes in Afghanistan.

    Terrell is the former mayor of Maloy, a peace activist, and co-coordinator for Voices for Creative Nonviolence, a Chicago-based group that nonviolently resists U.S. war-making.

    Last week, Terrell and the other U.S. citizens acted as observers with Witness Bahrain, a group that aimed to have civilians monitor and report the situation in Bahrain. The group was marching toward the Pearl Roundabout Tuesday as part of a protest on the one-year anniversary of Bahrain’s uprising when officials arrested them.

    In Facebook updates, Terrell wrote of authorities pelting their car with tear gas canisters, as well as the hospitality of Bahraini citizens.

    But despite the violence he said he witnessed against protesters and U.S. citizens in Bahrain, Terrell said he returned with hope.

    “[I’m left with] just a real hope to be in a population of all these people acting courageously,” he said. “…Even though I was very frightened, I saw people doing things that were heroic.”

    One example of heroism Terrell witnessed was a man picking up the tear gas canisters with his bare hands and throwing tossing them away. Terrell showed a photo depicting the man in mid-throw, somewhat obscured by eerie clouds of gray gas.

    The rest of Wednesday’s event, however, focused on why Terrell and groups like Voices for Creative Nonviolence and Veterans for Peace are actively protesting the use of U.S. drones. The remotely controlled aircrafts are manned by soldiers thousands of miles away, he said, resulting in inaccurate strikes and civilian deaths.

    Terrell showed photos of his time in Afghanistan last year, read articles about U.S. drone use, and played a video of a protest in front of Creech Air Force Base in Nevada. Terrell and several others were arrested during the non-violent protest.

    “Our country’s going in a really horrible direction,” he said. “We need to take stock and turn around.”

    Iowa City resident Jean Hagen attended the event Wednesday as a friend of Terrell’s and active participant in the War Resisters League.

    “[Tonight] reinforced my belief that these drones are inaccurate, immoral, and inhumane,” Hagen said after the event.

    Terrell will speak tomorrow at the Prairiewoods Franciscan Spirituality Center in Hiawatha, 120 E. Boyson Rd.

    “The history of Afghanistan and our place in it is something we should be paying attention to,” he said.


  3. Pingback: Saudis crush Bahraini democrats with Canadian arms | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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  5. Pingback: Bahrain human rights woman interviewed | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  6. Pingback: Bahrain poverty drives workers to suicide | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  7. Pingback: Poor get poorer, billionaires get richer | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  8. Energy guzzling buildings ignoring eco principles…

    Posted on » Friday, November 15, 2013

    H Cader in his article ‘The Eco Credit Crisis’ (GDN, November 10) has very well expressed his anxiety over consuming our resources at an alarming rate. Two to three years ago, I too had expressed concern over the enormous amount of energy wasted in Bahrain – through construction of buildings and luxury villas ignoring eco rules and even elementary energy conservation principles.

    I have spent two years away from Bahrain and coming back, I was surprised to see that energy wastage continues even today. In a public building, I see a government body and a big consultancy behind a true energy guzzler, where simple eco-principles and state-of-the-art engineering could have reduced more than 2,000 kwph (or almost 50 per cent) from its peak energy demand and even achieve additional cost savings!

    I wonder: How long can we go on pumping carbon on this island through the Hidd, Riffa and Al Dur Chimneys – blowing the energy subsidy budget and inevitably the public health cost?

    Today even Saudi Arabia, with its vast energy resources, has put in place strong guidelines for more energy-efficient buildings and Abu Dhabi initiated similar legislation through relevant studies more than four years ago.

    I am surprised buildings are being designed in 2013 ignoring energy wastage – knowing that its operation will be met almost exclusively by government funds.

    This design implemented in 2013 appears to be outdated – it could have been used in 2004. But again my feeling is that a design completed in 2004 must have followed 2001 engineering and energy-saving principles and practices – which simply means that in 2014 we are still applying more than 10-year-old dated technology, totally ignoring Kyoto and Copenhagen and all those summits and COPs (including COP18 in nearby Doha climatic summit 2012). These major summits had raised concern and anxiety over ecocrisis in this planet.

    I could not agree more with Mr Cader. This is indeed an eco credit crisis. It’s sad to see that Bahrain is still indulging in uncontrollable use of resources.

    Dr Theodore Metsis


  9. Pingback: Bahrain royals sabotage prosecution of corrupt Blair crony Dahdaleh | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  10. Rolls-Royce Ghost V launched in Bahrain

    Manama, 1 hours, 51 minutes ago

    Euro Motors, the sole dealer of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars in Bahrain, has launched Ghost V-Specification, a limited series of Ghost and Ghost Extended Wheelbase motor cars that will be available for customers until June.

    “This limited series celebrates one of Ghost’s defining characteristics; the exquisite 6.6 litre Rolls-Royce V12 engine,” said Torsten Müller-Ötvös, chief executive, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars.

    “Since its introduction in 2009 an extraordinary marriage of assured presence and remarkable driving dynamics has endeared Ghost to a new generation of highly discerning businessmen and women, ensuring the car’s position as the statement of choice for a growing band of successful entrepreneurs around the world.”

    Paul Yates, general manager of Euro Motors, said: “Customers in Bahrain have a high appreciation for limited edition Bespoke vehicles and for engine power, which makes the Ghost V-Specification the perfect fit for this market. It is the most powerful Ghost ever and is only available for production for a limited window, so we expect strong demand for it and are excited about its imminent arrival here at Euro Motors.”

    At the heart of the Ghost’s driving experience is its hallmark V12 engine. Acceleration is delivered with a characteristic immediacy and smoothness, propelling occupants from 0 to 100 km in just 4.7 seconds with 80 per cent of power available from idle.

    This unique powertrain is celebrated with a 30bhp / 22kw power increase to reach 593bhp on all Ghost V-Specification motor cars.

    Elegantly applied design touches hint at Ghost V-Specification’s inherent dynamism. V-Specification motif coach lines finish the exterior paint-scheme whilst customers can either choose from five specially selected exterior colours, or from Rolls-Royce’s 44,000 hue palette.

    Optional visible chrome exhausts and 21-inch part-polished wheels add further expression to the car’s dynamic promise.

    The V-Specification motif is echoed around the car’s handcrafted interior through engraving to the treadplates, embroidery to the rear armrest and hand-applied steel inlays to the front multimedia screen lid.

    The interior is completed with an exclusively designed clock with a black crown surrounding the face. – TradeArabia News Service


  11. Pingback: Bahraini royals live in palaces, poor people amidst sewage | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  12. Pingback: Torture of Bahraini doctors and Ireland | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  13. Bahrain ranks high in rich households

    Posted on » Tuesday, June 17, 2014

    BAHRAIN is ranked sixth in the world for its percentage of millionaire households, according to a new study from a global management consulting firm.

    In its latest Global Wealth report, US-based The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) revealed that 59 out of every 1,000 households in the country, or 5.9 per cent, belong to millionaires.

    Only Qatar with 17.5pc, Switzerland with 12.7pc, Singapore with 10pc, Hong Kong with 9.6pc and Kuwait with 9pc can boast a higher density of the ultra-rich.

    The report also found that Bahrain was ranked 16th globally for the proportion of households with more than $100 million in private financial wealth.

    “The highest density of millionaire households was in Qatar, followed by Switzerland and Singapore,” said the study.

    “The US had the largest number of billionaire households but the highest density of billionaire households was in Hong Kong, followed by Switzerland.”

    The growth of private wealth accelerated across most regions in 2013, according to the report, with an additional 2.6m millionaire households created last year alone – meaning 1.1pc of all households everywhere belong to millionaires.

    “Globally, the amount of wealth held privately rose by $19.3 trillion in 2013, nearly twice the increase of $10.7trn seen in 2012,” said the study.

    “Despite remaining tensions following the Arab Spring and the escalation of the conflict in Syria, private wealth in the Middle East and Africa region increased by 11.6pc to reach $5.2trn in 2013.

    “Key drivers were generally high savings rates and continued strong nominal gross domestic product (GDP) growth in oil-rich countries, such as Saudi Arabia (13.4pc), Kuwait (13.6pc), and the UAE (12.8pc).”

    Other GCC member states featured in the BCG millionaire household density rankings include Oman in 10th place, where 3.7pc of homes belong to millionaires, the UAE in 12th with 3.3pc and Saudi Arabia at 13th with 3.1pc.


  14. Pingback: Ruling classes and conspiracy theories | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  15. Pingback: Bahrain’s rulers make poor people poorer | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  16. Pingback: Saudi royals killing Pakistani protected birds | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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