Thatcherism destroys health in Greece

10 October 2011.

This video says about itself:

5 May 2010

Athens, Greece – Planes stood still and train services ground to a halt Wednesday as thousands of transport workers in Greece joined other public and private sector workers in a massive general strike.

Police estimated that up to 25,000 workers were on the streets of Athens. Among them were teachers, bank employees and doctors.

The marchers made their way to the parliament where police fired tear gas at protesters trying to climb the building’s steps. Throughout the capital, about 1,700 officers stood guard to maintain order.

The workers are protesting cuts in spending that the government says is needed to pull the country out of debt.

On Tuesday, about 2,000 protesters representing teachers from the public sector marched past the finance ministry and parliament.

In central Athens, protesters threw plastic bottles and sticks at riot police.

At another demonstration, members of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) erected large banners near the Parthenon. “People of Europe Rise Up,” said one.

10 October 2011.

From British daily The Guardian today:

Greeks pay for economic crisis with their health

Rising demand and cost-cutting put services at breaking point, while drug addiction, HIV and suicide rates increase

Budget cutbacks forced on Greece by the IMF and the EU are robbing people of proper health care, boosting the risk of HIV infection, according to a study published by The Lancet medical journal today: here.

From The Lancet: Health effects of financial crisis: omens of a Greek tragedy: here.

This video is called Solidarity with Greek workers – Brussels demonstration.

Greek Strikes Schedule, Oct 11-19/2011: here.

The French and German heads of government are determined to recapitalize the banks, but they have profound disagreements as to how this should take place: here.