US homophobia leads to homelessness

This is called Music video by Cyndi Lauper performing Girls Just Want To Have Fun.

By singer Cyndi Lauper in the USA:

Twenty to 40 percent of homeless youth identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender, yet only 3 to 5 percent of the general population does the same. Shock was the first thing I felt when I heard this statistic, and then sadness that there are so many young people who are either thrown out of their homes or run away out of fear and despair because they are gay or transgender.

There’s a Global War Against the Right of Gay People to Live and Love. We Need to Fight Back: here.

Danish gay rights campaigner Axel Axgil dies: here.

4 thoughts on “US homophobia leads to homelessness

  1. Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern told a talk show host that homosexuality is a bigger threat to the United States than terrorism. She’s also written a book criticizing the efforts of people like you and me to speak out against right-wing hate.

    We have to hold Kern accountable for her hate speech. Tell Oklahoma’s governor and top legislative leaders to denounce Kern’s remarks right away.

    Thanks for all you do!

    Bob Fertik


    Human Rights Campaign

    Rep. Sally Kern’s latest anti-LGBT rant is hateful incitement against the LGBT community.

    Tell Oklahoma’s political leaders to denounce Rep. Sally Kern’s inflammatory remarks.

    Take action

    Send a letter now >>

    Dear friend,

    Just recently, Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern told a talk show host that homosexuality is a bigger threat to the United States than terrorism.

    Sorry, WHAT?

    That’s right. Kern claimed that because young people learn that “homosexuality is normal and natural” and because they’re “bombarded” with it every day, it is “more dangerous” than terrorist attacks. It’s vile.

    Tell Oklahoma’s governor and top legislators to immediately denounce Kern’s remarks without delay.

    As if comparing gays and lesbians to terrorists wasn’t bad enough, in the same interview, Kern also blamed the AIDS crisis on the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community – recycling the outdated, tired charge that gays are responsible for the epidemic, instead of calling for more support of programs to prevent new HIV infections.

    Sadly, this story is all too familiar and Kern has been censured for unrelated but equally outlandish remarks before. Kern made anti-LGBT comments like these three years ago that were captured on tape. But in the three years since, we’ve learned all too well what words alone can do – especially from elected officials.

    Worse, Kern couldn’t care less about keeping her vile views under wraps this time around. Instead, she’s written a book criticizing the efforts of people like you and me to confront right-wing hate like hers. She casts herself as a truth-teller, standing tall in the face of “angry homosexuals” who speak out time and again against her extremism.

    We’ve called out Kern before for her hatred, but public statements that could potentially incite people to violence are completely over the line. In this day and age, we can’t let this kind of hatred go unanswered.

    Kern must be held responsible. Sign the letter to Oklahoma’s leaders now: “Kern’s comparison of homosexuality to terrorism is as offensive as it is dangerous. I call on you to immediately condemn her hate speech.”

    Our campaign for equality has traveled a long road. We’ve unfortunately circled back to Kern and her unique brand of hate once again, but with your help, this will be the last time we ever need to. Thank you for taking a minute to stand with us and speak out.

    Keep it up,

    Joe Solmonese


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