Rare wasp expansion in the Netherlands

Climate change not just causes sea surfaces to rise, leading to the building of artificial islands attracting birds and plants.

It also causes animals to go north. “North” sometimes means disappearing from the Netherlands. Sometimes it means that animal species hardly known, or only known from the far south, in the Netherlands, will become less rare in Dutch nature.

This is a video on the Polistes biglumis wasp.

Translated from news agency ANP in the Netherlands:

Very rare Polistes biglumis wasp goes northward

17/08/11, 20:39

In a nature reserve in Doetinchem a nest of the rare Polistes biglumis wasp has been found. So far, this species in our country used to live only in southern and central Limburg province. The Forestry Commission announced this today on its website.

The wasp species occurs in Europe, North Africa and eastward to Japan. In the Netherlands the wasp was seen for the first time in 1949, but it was most frequently encountered in the nineties.

According to the Forestry Commission, they are social wasps living in relatively small nests. When flying, they are conspicuous because their legs hang downwards. The wasp settled mainly around the South Limburg marl quarries.

In Belgium, this species is rare, but not very rare.

The Forestry Commission site says that the nature reserve near Doetinchem is the Heidenhoekse Vloed. In the Netherlands, these wasps fly from May to September.

Plants and animals migrating upward as climate changes: here.

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