Rebekah Brooks quits, Murdoch should be next

Murdoch's News International scandals, cartoon

By Dina Rickman:

Rebekah Brooks Resigns As Chief Executive Of News International

15/7/11 16:27 GMT

After days of rumours and speculation, News International chief executive Rebekah Brooks has resigned.

This should just the beginning. Now, the criminal activities of the Murdoch empire should be investigated thoroughly; and not by the kind of police who take bribes from the Murdoch gang. After the resignation of Rebekah Brooks, the realm of Rupert Murdoch and his dynasty should be dismantled completely.

No more credibility should be attached to Rebekah Brooks’s professed regrets for the victims of News International’s lawless rampage than to Rupert Murdoch’s assertion that his company handled the crisis “extremely well”: here.

Destroy the monstrous Murdoch empire and its murky Establishment cesspit – that was leading left Labour MP Ian Lavery’s message today: here.

The FBI and other agencies are investigating allegations that Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp attempted to buy access to the mobile phones of victims of the September 11 2011 attacks, US attorney-general Eric Holder confirmed today: here.

NUJ general secretary Michelle Stanistreet drew a direct link today between compulsory redundancies at the BBC and the malign influence of Rupert Murdoch on the government: here.

3 thoughts on “Rebekah Brooks quits, Murdoch should be next

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