Bloody Libyan war continues

This video is called Extremely graphic footage: Libyan children killed by NATO bombs.

On Sunday, June 19, the US-backed NATO war against Libya became illegal under US law. The War Powers Act, adopted by Congress in 1973 after overriding a veto by President Richard Nixon, mandates that any presidential dispatch of US military forces into “hostilities” in any other country must receive congressional approval within 60 days. If the president fails to gain such approval, he has an additional 30 days to carry out the safe withdrawal of all US forces: here.

A NATO airstrike in a working class suburb of Tripoli early on Sunday morning killed and injured a number of civilians. Western journalists, who have treated previous evidence of Libyan civilian casualties dismissively, were taken to the site and confirmed seeing at least five bodies, including those of a nine-month-old baby and a child. Libyan officials reported that at least four more people had been killed and another 18 injured: here.

Libya: NATO strike kills 19 civilians: here.

What’s it costing British taxpayers to bomb Libya? | Ian Katz: here.

4 thoughts on “Bloody Libyan war continues

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