Rats leaving Berlusconi’s sinking ship

This video says about itself:

Berlusconi Prime Minister Of Italy To Stand Trial For Underage Sex with 17 year old.

The billionaire 74 year old famous for his Bunga Bunga parties is to stand trial for paying for sex with underage Moroccan girl.

From AFP news agency:

Italian minister quits over Berlusconi whine to Obama

ROME: An Italian junior minister said she had quit Saturday in protest at Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s complaint to US President Barack Obama about his legal woes.

Berlusconi, who has a long history of legal troubles and is currently on trial for having sex with an underage prostitute, told a visibly uncomfortable Obama on Thursday there was “a dictatorship of left-wing judges” in Italy. Daniela Melchiorre, a qualified magistrate herself, whose small Liberal Democrat party only recently joined Berlusconi’s centre-right coalition, said “enough is enough.” “It’s unacceptable to descend to such vulgarity and try to discredit a constitutional function to one of the most important authorities on the planet,” she said.

Italian commentators had ridiculed Berlusconi’s antics on the international stage of the G8 summit in France after he walked over to Obama at the start of a roundtable discussion on global issues, put his arm over the US president’s chair and began chatting. “I have had 31 trials against me and I’ve always been acquitted,” Berlusconi told Obama, according to a lip-reading analysis of video footage. Berlusconi has had some initial convictions but many cases against him have expired under a statute of limitations or he has been acquitted on appeal. The 74-year-old premier, who regularly complains he is a victim of plots by a left-wing judiciary, is currently a defendant in three trials in Milan.

French minister resigns after sexual harassment accusation: here.

4 thoughts on “Rats leaving Berlusconi’s sinking ship

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