NATO’s Libya war criticized by ex-UN chief Annan

This video from London, England is called George Galloway: Hands Off Libya.


West Has Taken Sides in Libyan ‘Civil War,’ Says Annan

18 May 2011

Former United Nations secretary-general Kofi Annan believes the Western coalition fighting Libya‘s Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi has “crossed a line” and is now “fighting on one side of [a] civil war.”

During the course of two extensive interviews recently, Annan told Alec Russell of London’s Financial Times that calls by presidents Barack Obama of the United States and Nicolas Sarkozy of France that “Gaddafi must go” were “not very helpful.” He advocated a political solution to the Libyan crisis, saying that although “a future Libya without Gaddafi” should be part of negotiations, events were currently headed for a “messy” stalemate, with military victory an unlikely prospect.

During the interviews, which lasted over a period of five hours, Annan also discussed Kenya, the “Arab Spring,” peacekeeping in the Democratic Republic of Congo, his role during the Rwandan genocide, the need for young African men and women to go into politics and his current passion for promoting agriculture in Africa. The following excerpts from the interviews are published by permission of the Financial Times. The full text of the interview, in which Annan also discusses issues including the Iraq war and the Bush administration, Bosnia, his legacy, and the future of and reforms to the United Nations, can be found here.

Thousands of people who have fled fighting in Libya are stranded in a remote desert town in northern Chad in what could become a humanitarian catastrophe, an aid group warned today: here.

2 thoughts on “NATO’s Libya war criticized by ex-UN chief Annan

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