Anti-BP protester arrested

This video from the USA is called BP Beyond Pollution.

From daily News Line in England:

Thursday, 5 May 2011

GMB official arrested

A GMB National Officer was arrested at the protest against the lockout of 430 workers at BP Saltend, in Hull yesterday morning.

GMB national officer Phil Whitehurst was arrested while he was attending the lawful protest against the lock out and is in police custody at Hull police station.

Video footage that he took of yesterday morning’s event has been confiscated.

GMB legal officers have been in contact with the police and have made clear that the Union will challenge the police over this arrest at a legal protest.

Delegates back workers locked out at Hull’s BP/Vivergo site: here.

BP Will Be Penalized in North Slope Oil Spill Settlement. Lisa Demer, The Anchorage Daily News: “BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc. has agreed to pay a $25 million civil fine to settle a federal lawsuit over the largest-ever oil spill on Alaska’s North Slope, according to a proposal filed in U.S. District Court in Anchorage on Tuesday. The U.S. Department of Justice sued BP in 2009 on behalf of regulators over what it contended were water and air pollution violations from a March 2006 spill topping 200,000 gallons and a smaller spill that August. Both were at Prudhoe Bay”: here.

A Year After Gulf Tragedy, Offshore Oil Companies Still Shielded by Liability Limits: here.

The threat of wildcat strikes engulfing Iraq’s oil industry spread to BP’s Rumaila field on Tuesday – on the day that the British energy major got its first payment for boosting production at the site: here.

USA: House Republicans Push for Renewed Offshore Drilling. Sarah Laskow, The Media Consortium: “The most recent debates over off-shore drilling, oil profits, and oil subsidies are just one front in the long war to preserve the environment and push back against climate change. There are strategies available here that have yet to be deployed. At Grist, David Roberts offers four that could help fight climate change: put a price on carbon; deploy existing clean energy technology on a much more massive scale; invest large amounts of money in research and development; and invest in infrastructure. As far as these four policy proposals go, he says, right now, ‘The US is doing all of them poorly,’ and he does not believe that it is possible any more to reverse climate change”: here.

USA: It’s not just at the gas pump. The oil companies don’t pay much in federal income taxes, either. Over the past five years Exxon has paid at a 3.6% rate (federal tax as a percentage of total pre-tax profits). Chevron was little better at 5.6%. Marathon paid 12%, Conoco Phillips 17%: here.

Exxon Mobile pays lower effective tax rate than average American: here.

9 of the 10 loudest climate-denying scientists tied to Exxon: here.

U.S. Air Pollution: 10 Worst Cities: here.

4 thoughts on “Anti-BP protester arrested

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