Ivory Coast civilians massacred

This video says about itself:

[COTE D’ IVOIRE] 800 Killed in Violence Around Duekoue City, 02/04/2011

According to Guillaume N’Gefa, spokesman for the UN mission in Côte d’Ivoire, 330 people had been killed in Duékoué as Ouattara‘s forces took over the town, More than 100 of them were killed by Gbagbo‘s troops. However, N’Gefa said the majority were executed by dozos, traditional hunters who support Ouattara.

Reports are emerging of systematic attacks on civilians in the west of Ivory Coast, the region where forces loyal to the Western-backed president-elect Alassane Ouattara launched an offensive last month: here.

Forces loyal to UN-backed president-elect Alassane Ouattara arrested his rival Laurent Gbagbo in Abidjan today, according to the French embassy in Ivory Coast: here.

Laurent Gbagbo, the incumbent president of Ivory Coast, has been taken prisoner and is in the custody of forces loyal to his opponent, Alassaine Ouattara: here.

The United Nations has named the experts who will investigate allegations of human rights abuses in Ivory Coast: here.

Widespread social instability continues in the Ivory Coast one week after France and the UN helped forces loyal to the internationally recognized president Alassane Ouattara in the overthrow of the regime of former president Laurent Gbagbo: here.

15 thoughts on “Ivory Coast civilians massacred

  1. Gbagbo you are exhibiting the sit down thight and permanently culture of th African leaders. Gbagbo you are playing with fire and this fire will consume you, if you do not accept the will of the people. Gbagbo apologise immediately to your people ask for forgiveness and GO NOW!. Gbagbo what is wrong with Africa and her leaders.


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